Can we get account wide ignore?

And so ?
It takes more time and money for a person to create a new account to continue trolling in here then it does to ignore each new account and after awhile the person making the new account/s would eventually come to the realization that continuing to do so is no longer financially feasible .


I think we found the undead mage alt


I’ve know that. She’ll get whiney if we call her out over it.


Do I honestly look that stupid?

As difficult as it is for you to believe, that’s no alt of mine. Have you considered just maybe, just maybe someone has considered the same arguments as me and simply came to the same conclusions?


whats wrong with Draenei Shaman lol

It isn’t their alt. I just checked.


Well, considering that you tried pulling that stunt to think people on the forums are stupid…

Or did you forget?


When I want to go on an alt, I pick a Classic alt if I want to be undetected

You can not make yourself undetected, even with using classic alts. And this sort of behaviour to try and pretend to be someone else is a form of trolling if I recall correctly…


Well to be fair they did pretty much use the old Lil line of each toon should be viewed as interacting with a new person

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Hmmm, it is very possible too, but it is fully hard to confirm. Even Blizzard won’t confirm if it is the same account on the same IP. Speaking of which, Lilithia just confirmed why the forums should be using BTags.


Her pressence and the fox’s as well are all the confirmation we need .


Also, thank you Lilithia for confirming on why the forums should also use our BattleTags.


You saw nothing of the sort. Regardless, none of that is relevant. Take a hint already.

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Nah, thing is need to be able to have open free debate without having to worry about it affecting your reputation,

If what you say is controversial but not against the rules, I think people should be allowed to do that without fear.

After over 11,000 replies I’m going to say they’re not planning on doing it.


Low level toon, low level post count and . . .


Its a forum site not witness protection.

Who cares


People here are so paranoid over this now it’s ridiculous. To think I held some of you in higher regard. Everyone who disagrees with you is an alt, so you sit there looking up profiles and connect characters together, so you want bnet tags to make doxxing easier for you? How long did it take you to realize I wasn’t an undead mage, Ayukama?

You are just further proof you can’t be trusted with bnet tags if doxxing is the name of your game. It’s obvious now you are just asking for bnet tags for malicious reasons at this point.