Can we get account wide ignore?

If people start being toxic towards you, then report them, and place them on ignore. Because two wrongs does not make it a right. Plus, if you decide to be toxic towards a person who is being toxic towards you, then you’re twice as likely to be more severely actioned than the other person.


I’m constantly amazed at how much people get away with these days honestly.

Well, when you chose to engage in the toxicity rather than report it, then yes, nothing will happen, and people will get away with so much.


Ok then.

You’ll just have to accept that they’re against account wide ignores and can’t change that.

The fact that Blizzard has just let this issue drag on and on and on and on is a little disappointing…

Not that I’m in any hurry for them to make a decision of course.

They don’t have any stakes here.

If it was really a big deal they’d of done something by now.

We’re not stopping anything by simply disagreeing with the suggestion being made.

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Agreed. It’s genuinely shocking you’re still allowed to post here.


I haven’t posted in this thread in weeks, it got too stressful for me

Let me be clear. What I find so shocking is that Blizzard still allows you to post at all, anywhere, and has chosen not to permanently ban you from their games and their forums.


There are much worse offenders than me, you have to do a LOT to get your account closed, if you were caught botting or gold selling or something extreme like that, that’s about the only way you would get a perma ban I believe.

As an aside though, that’s why I am against account wide anything, I don’t believe the sins you commit on wow should translate into what happens in other games.

I honestly wouldn’t go that far tbh. Yeah, the things they’ve admitted are very bad, but I wouldn’t go that far.

Sometimes, it doesn’t take any effort to get your account closed either, though this is on a very rare case. I mean, technically speaking, you do know Blizzard does hold the right to close any account for no reason at all as well.

Except, this is the World of Warcraft Forums. This isn’t a forums for every other games.


Blizzard don’t have any personal investment on here or in the game.

This is just a hub for feedback.

Now you know how most of us feel when you continually come here only to post total rambling nonsense, claim to be leaving, but just keep coming back. Your time away was welcome.


Also alt hopping to bypass ignores.

There’s a mute button use it if you can’t tolerate or don’t like a thread.


But did anything change though? I just came back and saw you still arguing with the fox

you know a trick to ignoring the long posts? simply scrolling down and not replying to her in some witty remark you all like to constantly do and put people on/off ignore. just bc the person is replying does not mean u have to.

dont need nothing for any of this u guys need some self control is that problem ignore/block ppl and stop talking abt them all the time?

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You can’t ignore poster that just switches to another temp alt.


Another sockpuppet alt. This is why we want Battle Tag ignores.


Evidence/proof please that it’s a sock puppet and not another real person