Can we get account wide ignore?

How’s that account wide ignore coming?

I don’t know Ayu I grew up in the day where parents used to use racist words about PoC all the time and they never got in trouble for it,

And I thought you put me on ignore too, please feel free to put me back on it, you keep bringing up stuff from the past and that’s annoying,

Who I was 5 years ago isn’t who I am now.

I don’t give you enough thought to hate you, Ard. Your existence just isn’t that significant to me. But you believe whatever you need to.


I actually don’t know how long I’ve been away from this thread, I had it muted for what felt like months, so I literally thought the topic was dead, buried and cremated

So take your own advice. Ignore me.


No because you falsely accuse me of being homophobic and other things that aren’t true and I don’t like that and I will stand up for myself and correct the record

I don’t think I’ve ever accused you of anything. I have, however, accurately described your behavior and drawn attention to things you’ve said. You, as far as I am aware, have never made any attempt to refute anything I’ve said.


Didn’t you start the thread that got cut for Btags?

Explains why you don’t like me.

What’s with this persecution complex, Ard?

You know what? Nevermind, I don’t actually care.


The point is I shouldn’t have to refute something someone said about me on the internet, that’s the point.

More accurately, you shouldn’t be doing and saying things that need to be refuted when they come to light.

Be a better person. For you, it’s going to be an uphill battle.


If you stopped looking for a fight you wouldn’t keep getting them.


None of us are innocent in this world buddy, we’ve all done something we don’t want people on the news to see

The trouble is, you have a bad habit of doing and saying those things in public, in front of the news cameras, as it were. Nothing on the internet ever truly goes away.


Well I’d sooner someone be a fool on the internet on an anonymous public forum where they can learn from their mistakes in a safe environment then on a forum where saying something stupid could threaten their employment prospects etc…

You’re right, everyone has made mistakes. People have been in the wrong in their lives. But the difference between you and others is the seriousness that the wrong can be in. Take for example, when you said you’d sometimes call someone who has blocked you from a different number, that falls down as stalking, or you admitting to sending messages of self harm. There is the big difference there Lilithia.


Well luckily with phones you can set your phone to call from a private numbers so changing your number to call someone isn’t needed these days. People can block calls from unknown numbers if they want to, most phones have that feature.

Only people I ever did that to were elitist jerks that trolled me for bad dps. Never would say such a thing to someone with a thin skin or anything.

Which is ultimately up to Blizzard discretion to handle.

That the posters you dislike can still post here doesn’t lend credit to the seriousness of your claims.

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Well people shouldn’t insult people for being bad at the game.

Not worth it.

I would gladly give up my trust level, even my posting privileges, if I thought I could get through to you. But you lack the self-awareness for introspection and the moral compass necessary for genuine self-improvement. You will never be better than you are, which honestly ain’t that good.