Can we get account wide ignore?

people care way too much on what others post on. im not gonna sit here and go thru ppls profiles just to see if someones an alt. if theyre some how two faced nice on one alt, ill just talk to em, ill just ignore their troll alt. i just dont care enough lol.


Exactly, 100% this.

You mean the part where people can switch alts to bypass someones ignores to even go as far as harassing people? And yes, this does tend to happen. In fact, Lilithia in this thread alone, admitted to doing that too.


I guess if you only focus on the negatives, the way it works must suck huh. You are describing an actionable scenario, changing the forums to be more “sterile” and ruining it for everyone else instead of trusting the forum mods isn’t a good approach. Changing characters now and then is fun to me.

If you can come up with reasons why bnet tags are actually fun and enjoyable over individual characters, then you might be able to change my mind. If you are just trying to take away people’s fun because you don’t trust the mods, then I guess I’ll have to remain unconvinced /shrug.

SO? Being a jerk to people to who DON’T want to interact with you is fun? You don’t deserve to be heard. Swapping to an alt is gonna help.


I believe this was Ayukama’s post that I just replied to?

So, you’re admitting you’re one who enjoys trolling the forums then? Judging by the use of the word “sterile” and “ruining it for everyone” in that line placed together.

Moderation are humans, and they don’t just have the World of Warcraft forums to moderate. In fact, they moderate all the Blizzard owned forums.

Nobody is asking to remove the ability to switch characters. Many of us, myself included, do it every now and then, whether it be for the class forums, or transmog threads for examples.

I don’t think you’ve even been part of the conversation even long enough to even understand the argument. Here, want a quick read:


Dude… first of all, micro quotes are really hard to read and follow.
Secondly, if your first response is I admitted I am a troll, then forgive me to hell for thinking you were somebody I could have an intellectual debate with. Guess not, my bad.

This isn’t a debate, and you of all people should read the post properly before adding in “intellectual” into the comments. If all you’re going to do is just partly read the replies, then you’re basically ignoring what people are actually saying.


Why would I want to read beyond “You just admitted you’re a troll?”

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And my case in point with ya. Well, time to place you on ignore and continue my support for account wide ignores. And also,

Next time, you should think twice before posting a comment like this.

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts
  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
  • Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary or permanent ban from the forums, depending upon severity

If you had a point you could have just gotten to it.

Anyways, daily support for account wide ignores, likes, flags, total post count, trust levels.

And time for me to go play some Enshrouded.


ironic that this line is in the code of conduct because I may have allegedly known a person who may or not have been suspended for saying, and I quote, “can you please stay on topic and be constructive with your feedback?”

Yeah. Super emotional by just going down a list of facts. You say you don’t care, yet here you are blabbing away pretending to be nonchalant about it.
Reality? If you don’t want to block people you won’t have to. So it wont affect you, since you don’t care so much.

for once, I stopped there becaue it tells me you didn’t read anything I said.
I was explaining why its never going to happen.
I am on your side and we want the same thing in the end… and you just attacked me with a bunch of likely ignorant points since you didn’t read or comprehend what I said or why.

See ya. Turning off updates because you are factually incorrect. just had to edit that in. people like you are literally the reason why changes always take forever. you derail topics by being…

What is there even to debate on this? This is probably the only forum website that allows you to easily bypass the ignore feature.


This doesn’t mean I don’t have an opinion my friend. Like I said earlier to that night elf, this wasn’t the hill I want to die on.

bnet tag, don’t bnet tag. w/e. I have my preference. I promise I won’t be holding any pitchforks if it changes.

Besides, I have alts, but I don’t alt hop. Ever since I came back to the forums I have only been Yveni. If I leave again and come back next year, I would want to be somebody else, that’s all. Most of my history on my other characters has been erased. The max post count on any one char was only around 3000, which are gone for some reason anyway, so it’s not like people here would even know who I am to begin with. But I guess I consider that my real forum char? I dunno how this works. I just like the idea of coming back as somebody else, leave the past in the past.

Well there’s the RPing elements, potentially making it easier to track players movements if Btags are used, isolating user comments through coordinated ignores…I’m sure there’s more as account wide ignores would be misused outside its intended purpose.

People are too judgemental these days, and wow is a very social game. People have found their partners and got married on wow…

So what happens if two people in a relationship have a fallout from wow, mark my words that the ex is going to be vindictive and try and trash the other person’s reputation in-game and on the forum etc if they get the chance to,

It happens. This is why privacy is so important.

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This is why there is an ignore, a Forum Code of Conduct, and In-Game Code of Conduct. If people are in breach of the Forum or In-Game Code of Conduct, action will be taken. But this has nothing to do with privacy. Everything in relation to privacy is available via the Privacy Policy.

Stop trying to make Apples and Oranges the same thing, because they’re not.

On an extremely rare case, and want to know what happen to people who have tried and done that sort of behaviour towards others?


Nothing, because I broke up with some ex years ago and even with Social Contract, I can’t say a word in trade without someone making false claims about me,

People are vindictive and can’t let go of the past these days.

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