Can we get account wide ignore?

And if nothing happened, it means you must of not reported it. But then again, how do you exactly know if nothing happened? Do you have any confirmation that nothing happened? And if something did happen, why aren’t you reporting such behaviour? Keep on breaching the In-Game CoC can see far worse punishments, which can then eventually lead to the closure of the BNet account in the worse case scenarios.

Also, given to the sort of things you’ve admitted to here on the forums, Hate Speech, Self Harm messages, stalking, it wouldn’t surprise me if you’re the one who is breaching the In-Game CoC.


There’s no rules or social contract that can undo someone tarnishing their reputation in the circumstances Lilith just described.

It just goes to show that further ignores isn’t really going to do anything to stop people who have grudges.

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Harassment Ard. You do know what Harassment is, and how it can take on many forms?


And also, considering that you’re armory, your guild is all public for everyone to see…


Then you’d know that expanding the ignore feature isn’t going to do much either.

Plunderstorm shows us that the rage players have for this franchise is just a thin veiner waiting to boil back up over the edge of the pot.

No amount of moderation tools is going to stop it from happening.

Expanding the ignore to ignore the entire account is going to make it easier to fully ignore the person, instead of just one character of the person.


Which is arguably not a huge issue. shrug.

It is when you’re one of the people who use alts to purposely bypass ignores.


How do you prove that to be the case right now?

I’ll wait.

Shall we go back to the Anti-BTag thread, where you posted from an alt after people placed you on ignore, to also like yourself in the process?

Or would you like to try and ignore that and pretend it didn’t happen?


Pretty sure its against the CoC to do that kind of thing but you do you.

There you go again, constantly bringing up the past.

Listen, I am a child of the '90s, those were days LONG before the word ‘hate speech’ wasn’t even a thing, back when I was growing up if you got offended by things you were seen as weak, I know things are different now of course,

Also I’ve never stalked anyone in game, it’s too much effort to log out onto another alt to do that unlike on forum when you can change alt at the click of a button,

Anyway I am not going to waste time defending myself over stuff that happened years ago, I’m surprised you didn’t put me on ignore and just be done with it.

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Pretty sure what is against the CoC? Show us.


Look it up yourself, I don’t need to give you directions.

You hate my guts.

Well that’s my argument, anyone trying to trash my reputation in anyway shape or form I consider harassment.

No, tell us exactly what it is you think is against the CoC, then link the part of the CoC that you think is being violated.

I’d say we’ll wait, but you know as well as we do that you won’t. Or rather can’t.


Hate Speech has been a thing for a very long time. Some countries even started to make it against the law for hate speech since World War 2. And last time I’ve checked, that wasn’t in the 90’s.

In fact, Australia has had hate speech laws since 1975.


Then we have nothing more to discuss, since.

And you. It’s not that you won’t defend yourself, it’s that you can’t. A lot of the things you’ve done are indefensible.


He can’t even back up his own arguments. He’ll expect others to prove his arguments for him, or try and defend his own behaviour.