Can we get account wide ignore?

Yeah, but you just can’t help ducking back in, can you?

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I don’t see why not.

So you’re not actually ‘ducking out’, are you?

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Does it really matter that much to you?

You and your nonsensical arguments? No, not really. You’re only good for a few minutes’ amusement.

Last word to you, Ard. I know you crave it.


I have changed my mind since the last time I was in this thread. Account wide ignore would be a godsend.


Ok then.


Trolls will only make new accounts to post on.

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Then we go back to only having Subs be able to post in anything non-CS or TS related.


Move the goalposts, got it. Might as well ask for that upfront, along with IP ignores. Eliminate all the edge cases at once. Don’t forget to ask to block VPNs. Otherwise people will be back here over and over until they are satisfied they aren’t talking to the same person as somebody else :smiley:

I am never going to understand why people care if the pixels they are talking to is an alt. Just treat each interaction as new. The problem isn’t the system, it’s people worrying about things that will just make them grow older faster.

Have a good day.

I see you’re still mad at me :frowning:

Go back to? That has never changed. Active game time has always been required to post in any of the non-support forums.


I am fairly sure Starters can post. But if I am wrong…then yea account wide ignore would be just fine.

Only in the CS, TS, and New Players Help & Guides forums.


Because there are too many people without honour. They come and post on a dozen different alts and will literally argue with themselves just to start drama in the forums.
Blocking them at an account level will stop you from seeing any of their alts.

Having our Bnet username up would stop people on here from doing that as well because then they couldn’t remain anonymus and people would finally get to take a peek at the insane crap that some people in the community do all the time.

I know it wont happen, but that’s why. The fact that you can’t think of that leads me to think you are against it because you are one of those very people who will post on a dozen alts and pretend to have conversations with your self or grouping up on somebody to pretend there are 20 people coming at the person instead of just really being the same person doing absolutely mentally insane things.

I don’t actually think you are, but your logic and unerring ability to not see the point leads me to believe that maybe you are.

IT’s been said more than a dozen times on here. There is absolutely no reason why somebody should be able to do that. They are harrassing the community.
Taking away the anonymity on that level would actually shut down a lot of the abuse, stopping it from ever happening in the first place.

Again, I know it won’t happen. You just said something particularly silly and I had to counter it because it is utterly irrational.
oh yeah, and this

that’s called a “slippery slope” argument. Blocking people on the forums is enough and anythinng else is beyond blizzards control and desire to fix. They are not legally obligated to help you in your discord. They literally won’t do anything. It’s not their product. So bringing that up is just silly.

Blizard BANNING people at the ip address makes sense. Blocking people at an ip address is dumb and irrational to jump to.
Stop being disingenuous and try to actually think about it from a different perspective.


Daily support of account wide ignore.

(especially after that dumpster fire of a thread earlier… oof)


Well Yveni is an alt, so I am not denying I post on alts. Oh, hello fellow alt of somebody to whom I don’t actually care who you are.

You are expressing an emotional reaction to people who post on alts that I will never be able to have. This isn’t about refusing to understand the other side, or being disingenuous, or having ulterior motives or whatever other nonsense you just accused me of having. I, literally, do not care. You could be my worse forum enemy, turn into a alt, and have a pleasant conversation with me and I wouldn’t care, because it’s who you chose to be at that time and it’s 100% fine with me.

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So, you’re saying people should have every right to switch alts to bypass ignores to troll the forums or harass members in the World of Warcraft community? Because this is what you’re post is exactly saying.

Also, the game is already mostly socially empty, yet, people are still playing it.

That is the plan. I mean, here is a little known fact: People who tend to troll the forums tend to only be mostly doing it to seek attention. And when the system shows they can use alts to bypass ignores to continue seeking that attention, then there is a system that is flawed. Moving the ignores fixes that problem, because then it means having to create an entire new Battle.NET account, paying for a new World of Warcraft license, paying for a subscription to post on the forums… Basically the work takes longer than clicking on “Create new character” in the character selection screen.

Report and ignore. That is how it works here. If a person is trolling, people would report the person, then ignore the person.

Oh, that was already known, even in the BTag thread.

And what is so bad about that?

Only if they have an active WoW license with gametime on the same BNet account. Otherwise, they can’t on new BNet accounts.


I think it’s fun the way it is now. But in the grand scheme of things, I wouldn’t care either way all that much. It’s not the hill I want to die on. I just don’t understand why people care, that’s all.