Can we get account wide ignore?

Hoo-Ray put that down!!!

I mean…

Daily-ish support for

:white_check_mark: Account wide ignores
:white_check_mark: Account wide total post count
:white_check_mark: Account wide flags
:white_check_mark: Account wide likes
:white_check_mark: Account wide trust levels


How is the forum made a better place by bringing up a grudge?

Just causes friction.

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How is the forum made a better place by pretending an obvious bad faith actor with a trail a mile long is an earnest poster?


If you really feel that way then don’t engage.

The power to ignore isn’t just restricted to a push of a button.

What does the fox say? who knows, most of us likely have him on ignore already

Does not matter what the fox says? no, he has proves himself to be the exception to survival of the fittest.

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Literally nothing in this novel made a lick of sense. Do you just not proofread anything?

I hold you responsible for this. :stuck_out_tongue:


No, because then they wouldn’t have as many people in the chat and the world would seem empty and nobody would want to play a socially empty game.

just like abusing the report or flag function in here. While I agree in principal, blizzard won’t do it even though they can. For the reason I said.
They don’t want to actually punish players because then they risk losing a sub. That’s why they let abusers get away with so much. They would rather keep that one account for sure, as opposed to MAYBE losing the sub of the person who got attacked.

Thats why they tell you to ignore on move on. Not because they are doing anything about the toxic nonsense, but because now they don’t have to. More people ignoring them is less work Blizard has to do and the troll just moves on to another target and paying the sub fee, as well as the person who was offended because now they think they did something that blizzard will follow up on.

Meanwhile there have been dozens of known cases where the FBI and CIA and other organizations had to get involved with Blizzard because they harbor cybercriminals by proxy, aka because they never punish the people ACTUALLY abusing the system and the other players around them.

IF everybody has blinders on, Blizzard never has to lose a sub in theory.

In practice, all ignoring somebody does is make them move on to some other person who doesn’t have the same mental fortitude you and I do and then they get tilted and then they get banned.
Troll wins, blizzard and the rest of us lose a likely perfectly goood member of the community over absolutely nothing.

So instead, maybe you should just report and keep your eye out. REport people for genuine violations, don’t ignore them. Reporting them blocks them for 24 hours so you can see them continiuing to abuse people at a later date.
Nobody is reporting them, and instead just putting them on ignore…so nothing changes and the trolls get more and more populous in the game because everybody is either ignoring or just have the whole chat turned off.

You are creating a bigger problem for everybody else when you just ignore people.

And on the forums, in specific…same thing. Report and come back and see if they keep doing it. The more reports the more likely they are to actually get a genuine serving of justice.

Or keep ignoring them and letting them go on to punch other people.
If anything, you are just as bad as the trolls because you are standing by and letting it happen to other people.

Don’t engage them. Don’t talk to them. Just watch and report their behaviour.

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Another novel, and full of just as much ignorance as the first.


I suspect some here are still hurt over the previous threads for similar topics being cut.

Hence why this topic is always being pushed.

Is that why you keep bumping it, Ard?


I just don’t believe that the reasons behind pushing for forum reforms isn’t entirely for the betterment of the community.

You don’t proofread either, do you?


Just sticking to the topic at hand.

Lol, I don’t even have to know what he said to know that he’s legit the number one fan of this topic because he’s got the most replies of anyone in thread by a large margin, he just likes to pretend he’s against it but he’s actually our strongest supporter.


I can speak for myself and it is still adamantly against forum wide ignores.

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That was my first, unless you mean the op.
And what exactly do you agree with…or are you just a troll as I can see from all your like 50 posts on just this topic where all you do is call people dumb lol?

Do you have anything to contribute?

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I’m with you Ardmccloud. I don’t like the idea of account-wide anything near the forums, and I don’t understand why the people who do actually care. But it’s definitely an unpopular opinion, sooner or later we’ll be on the losing side posting on our bnet tag.


The double negative makes it sound like you’ve switched sides. Again.

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You’ve been here long enough to know where I stand.

We can only wait and see.

Many of the naysayers have more wisely ducked out of…whatever this topic has become.

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