Can we get account wide ignore?

I know, I too would like the forums to be fun and engaging.

Account wide stuff helps a LOT with that :3


Gah… you’re just making it worse! Are you trying to summon them?

Why do you think they wouldn’t do it the way they already have on literally every other one of their forums?


Cause its Blizzard.

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If I wanted to summon them, I would’ve said Beetlejuice 3 times.


Good morning all! Coffee, tea, and comfy beverages for you!

:coffee: :teapot: :dracthyr_tea: :bubble_tea:

I pledge my undying support for Battletag level forum accounts for WoW!

One Account level ID with:

  • One trust level for all characters that does not reset when you switch
  • One account wide post count and post history
  • One account wide Ignore that ignores all characters on a Battlenet account
  • One account wide set of flags and likes. No more switching alts to flag posts.
  • Ability to select a character avatar for posting because we love our transmogs/char names.
  • One free Bnet name change for anyone who does not have one so they can select something within the rules that they are comfy with as their public tag, which is what a Battletag is defined as.

Hi I am back to this thread this Easter, hope you all missed me.

I took a break as I got a little exhausted from all the arguments and fighting, so just stuck to other threats for a while. I am against account wide anything, I really like what Facebook has done in enabling you to have extra security on messenger and being asked for a pin to sign into it now,

At this point in history I still say as much online privacy is of paramount importance to me, as to me if it’s a choice of a few people getting their feelings hurt by a bunch of keyboard warriors eating cheetos or whatever,

Governments are already taking some steps by say not allowing children under 16 as much access to social media as previously,

But I think governments and private organizations should only go so far, because can you imagine a situation where you are suddenly censored and unable to participate in anything simply because nobody likes you, you might think it’s only people that say/do the wrong things that get in trouble, but if everyone is watching you and everything you do…no matter how much of a saint you are…sooner or later, you will make a mistake…and when you do, you end up censored as well.

Wow is a VERY different game to Overwatch, Starcraft, Diablo etc. One is a first person shooter, the other is an RTS, and the other a dungeon crawler. In those genres of games, your reputation isn’t important or doesn’t matter at all, I mean don’t get me wrong I got invited to a Clan on SC2 just yesterday, but I couldn’t care less if they told me to get lost tomorrow and kicked me out of it tomorrow, I’d just go back to spamming random matches when I’m bored.

Wow is an MMO, and in an MMO there needs to be cooperation between people so in an MMO your reputation matters a lot more, when people don’t know who your main alt is you can have freedom of speech without having to worry about the consequences too much, that isn’t to say I think people shouldn’t get a suspension if they break the TOS, but I’ve seen how vindictive and nasty people in this game can get,

Though in fairness I haven’t logged on in a while, so I don’t know what wow is like anymore, but I’m pretty sure it would be the same old thing of do some quests, do mythic+ spam and then some raids and that’s it you’re done. Just don’t have the energy for it at the moment.

But I do believe an MMO is a very different genre to a dungeon crawler like Diablo or an RTS like Starcraft, in RTS you are EXPECTING to get insulted, in fact just the other day in SC2 when marines kept getting into my base this dude was like ‘Bunker idiot!’ I wasn’t offended at being called an idiot by some random I burst out laughing,

But I know on wow, cooperation and respect is required, that’s why there’s a social contract when you log in as in an mmo you are meant to cooperate with people to overcome objectives, that’s much harder to do if you’ve had your reputation damaged,

It’s just safer to say controversial things on an anonymous alt so you can play the game without having to worry about damaged your guilds reputation etc,

Anyway that’s just my opinion, I don’t think account wide anything is the answer in an MMO,

Also let’s be honest…FF14 players are nicer than WoW players, not saying they can’t troll ever, but it’s generally not as much a thing as it is on wow, you’d only encounter that kind of negativity in FF14 on much higher difficulties.

If the objective is to get people to be nicer to each other, rather than trying to name and shame people why not move towards a system that rewards good player behavior like commendations instead.

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Just don’t say controversial things or things that get your account penalized. Simple solution. Your Battletag, and characters names are not private information or personal information.

You know all this. Personally, I did not miss your circular arguments that basically boil down to you wanting to not be held responsible for your own actions.


I thought you said you would not return to this thread?


Holy crap I remember when this thread was new and now its almost a year old with over 10,000 replies. Is there a company that ignores feedback anymore than Blizzard? lol
Imagine ANY other platform asking for the block feature to not be easily bypassed and just being met with radio silence.

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I swear, I did not say there name 3 times.

I’m innocent on this one this time…




Did not miss you in the least.

Renewed support for all the account-wide forum things.


We should just be in line with all the other Blizzard forums and use our BattleTags. Otherwise, if Blizzard wants us to keep posting from out characters, just add our BattleTag underneath our characters, and have a lot of the forum features tied to the BattleTag.


Everything private is all detailed here in Blizzard’s Privacy Policy, which does not include your characters or BTag.

This is only in Florida, and this is involving Social Media, which does not include a gaming forum. Here, repeat it with me

Social Media =/= Gaming Forums

Freedom of Speech does not apply to the World of Warcraft Forums. This has been explained to you so many times.

And once gain, another thing that that been explained to you, only you’re capable of trashing your own reputation, and this is not limited to MMORPG’s.


Insert Maury Povich meme here


Thank God I cannot see the undead’s nonsense anymore, same goes to the fox. Account wide ignores please.


Which is Blizzards prerogative, not the forum users seeking to police others.

Constantly bringing up old scars only causes them to re-open again.

So, you’re going with the classic “It’s immoral to hold me accountable for my past actions” here?


Its also probably going to be challenged again. lol