Can we get account wide ignore?

Because legit that would be nice if they sneak in account wide options.


And then…


(Daily support)


I mean we have some kind of say as we do pay for said product.

Oh, I’m hoping.


No, we really don’t. If we did, we’d all be demanding these changes, and Blizzard would be compelled to comply. We can tell them what changes we’d like to see implemented, but they have the ultimate say. We can’t force them to do anything, just as you can’t force them not to.

There’s always boycotts though that would require a unifier of sorts and Blizzard would be quick to stop that from happening.

I’ve never known Blizzard to allow themselves to be bullied. I don’t expect Microsoft will do anything to change that.


Consumers are too divided to be that aggressive.


Some people will use the new functionality for This


You’re contradicting yourself, Pooh Bear.

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You are evil. :smiling_imp:

It seems you’re trying to write my opinions for me.

This doesn’t surprise me.

No, you just implied that Blizzard would take steps to avoid a boycott, then immediately turned around and said the customer base is too divided to effectively bully the company.

I wish somebody would write your opinion, though, because it doesn’t seem like you know what it is yourself.

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Circumstances in which either a boycott or bullying is brought about to bring desired changes or resolutions are entirely different.

Something like a boycott in Blizzard case is likely to be more organically based on them doing something to upset the player base, whereas bullying is just dumb and very unlikely.

They’re the same thing.

I’d disagree, as the circumstances in which they can occur can be different.

Plus what you’re ultimately arguing is that you write my opinions for me and I should accept them as you define them for some strange reason.

Account wide ignore helps tackle bullying and harassment in the forums.


Having every forum privilege based on the BNet account would stop a whole lot of things people can do with alts.



Alts are always being abused.

People shouldn’t have a capability to bypass an ignore to begin with, this is the only Blizzard forum with this problem. Well, the only Blizzard forum with problems.


Forum conduct goes both ways.

You aren’t exempt from the rules just because you don’t like someone else.