Can we get account wide ignore?

they starve since most of us can’t see their posts and thus read/respond


patiently waits for the day of grand victory


I don’t feel like going in circles all the time.

I am a creature of taste.

Ahh there you are. I was almost worried there for a half a second.

I actually had one come into my coffee shop a month ago! I never met one out in the wild before!

That’s actually amazing lol. I’ve never met one, myself.

I had a teacher that was a flat earther that weirdly enough had to teach science class.

“I’m going to teach it but I’m not agreeing with it” regarding the earth is round… I was like… “are you qualified for this?”

The earth is also not perfectly round… it has lumps :smiley:

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the first time meeting one is amazing lol

I feel like I missed out here lol. But I also don’t leave my house save to go to work and come home. Not exactly a people person

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Most people are overrated, I’m more of an animal person.


Seconded. Animals are much better than people ever will be. We definitely don’t deserve doggos.



I couldn’t even come up with a really good comeback or any comeback for that matter. I was so stunned!

Me neither to be honest. So the fact that I own a coffee shop in a touristy area is kind of hysterical.

Never needed an ignore for a doggo!


Sorry, been playing Enshrouded a lot. It has been a really fun game.

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I’ve seen a little bit of it. It does look pretty solid, though for those kinds of games I prefer Conan Exiles, personally.

So are you trying to tell us the earth has mountains of acne

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I mean some of them do pop…so kinda lol.

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