Can we get account wide ignore?

Lots of ways, as it was stated in other threads I can see posts that are hidden if I look, I see quotes all the time from other people it’s how I’ve seen most of the nonsense more recently in this thread including the somewhat uncomfortable and obsessive posts about me, not to mention a lot of people change posting characters and I can sometimes vibe with them that way if they have actually changed behaviors.

Actually there’s even been times where I’ve become friends with people I’ve ignored on the forums on Discord or Twitter and then ended up unignoring them here because we mutually decide whatever the issue/issues were that made us not get along to not interact at all is easy to look past so we either don’t argue those topics or interact in those topics.


Can you really claim to be ignoring someone when you constantly post about them.

Really seems to make the whole suggestion of account-wide ignores self defeating at this point.

Most of mine go on the forever, as I don’t trust the people I ignore to really change.


Some people really can, it’s more a matter of people not wanting to change bad behavior vs them not actually being able to change because anyone can change that way but most people just decide not to.


Most that wind up on my ignore list are either ones like Ard or those that think along the lines of “I’m right and everyone else is wrong” or those that get insulting when they accuse others of failing to do something they themselves failed at.


You can say you just don’t like some people.

I wouldn’t be looking to measure anyone along a morality stick on a site like this.

That’s totally valid honestly because I ignore people like that as well, for example when people have told me I should be nicer to them I’m like have you read your own posts before you post them because yikes and then I usually ignore them.


For me it tends to be “did you read my posts with the same eye you expect me to read yours?”. Like I do know things like hyperbole and metaphors, but I also know that such is not always easy to pick up in text (same with joking around) but they call ne dense and come across like I don’t know what such is when I was responding to them with the same things.

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I tend to put people on ignore for a year.

I figure there is a chance they might no longer be around and it won’t matter after that long or they will remind me why they were ignored and then I put them back on perm .

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But… isn’t that one of the things account-wide ignores will put a stop to? Like, isn’t that the main thing that account-wide ignores will fix???

It would but we don’t know when that would be implemented so we just have to use the tools we have currently, I have chucked quite a few people and all of their alts on ignore it doesn’t stop them from trying to interact with me.

I would welcome it and all other account wide options though because legit if I ignore someone it’s usually because they deserve it and although I said I have let people off of my ignore the amount of those people vs the people still on there is very small.


That is the plan. It is rare people actually do change.


Stance still isn’t changing.


That’s okay. You get to continue being the biggest supporter of it with sheer post amount.



If post counts guaranteed changes to the forums or game there’d be alot more activity on these forums.

Good morning everyone, it is another glorious day for support for account wide ignores.

/drops off some cookies to the thread.



Blizzard, please add account wide ignores. Dealing with all the Alts harassing us, reduces the quality of this forum!


Daily support for account-wide all the things.


As per usual, Daily support for account-wide all the things. Ignores, Likes, Trust level, etc.


It’s been strangely silent here. Did the clowns all get a mute or something?

Also, daily support for account-wide all the things.