Can we get account wide ignore?

Ok back in the box you.

shoves the shaman back into the alt box to not be heard from again


Lol, it does have a super cute name though so there’s that at least. :smiling_face: :smiling_face: :smiling_face:


closer to 30 years ago, to be precise. i went slowly insane first, from an infection in my brain

dont worry, it was only temporary crazy…i think. :grin: and 15 years ago, i found out i had breast cancer and now i am missing a breast. the chemotherapy caused diabetes and ruined my 20-20 vision. but other than that, i’m glad to be alive. you’re right though, life can be unfair.

I was thinking about switching my forum posting toon to Felshorter, but I don’t want to have to start building everything up all over again :frowning:


probably not

ugh, can we get it so at least if one we have ignored, and it has gone beyond the point where their posts can’t be seen in a topic, we don’t have “unread” notifications when they are the last post?


Choosing to ignore feedback by discrediting doesn’t make it go away.

It’s still feedback and it is not positive.

Ugh, says there is a new reply in this, but is someone on ignore, then as soon as I exit the thread, it says still new reply. Ugh, wish they would remove the numbers of new replies for ignored people.


I’ll reply here so it goes away for you but I had that happen yesterday with someone on my ignore.

It’s really annoying.


I didn’t design this forum.

If it annoys you that much then take people off ignore.

Nope, hasn’t gone away since someone on the ignore has replied to my comment.


It’s more than likely just Ard being well Ard, after all he is our strongest supporter.


That’s cause he posted again.


I know. He replied to my previous comment to tell me to take people off ignore over a forum bug.

Yeah that’s not happening when I chuck people on ignore they stay there unless they show me they are actually capable of changing bad behavior.


Same. And in Ard’s case, he’ll be on ignore until the year 3023.

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Shoulda been a thing a long time ago in my opinion.

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Imagine how annoying he will be then.

How do you know they’ve changed if they’re on ignore? You can’t tell they’ve changed if you won’t unignore them, and you won’t unignore them unless you know they’ve changed.

Guess they just stay ignored forever. Not that that’s a bad thing, mind you.

You know (on threads that aren’t 10k+) you can view hidden messages yes? As well as people quoting, and general context clues. There’s a plethora of ways to figure it out. For me, generally I put them on for a specific time limit, and when it’s over, if they haven’t changed for the better, they go back on for the next tier of time. Certain individuals made it on the “forever” time limit, which I find that is hilariously only 1000 years.

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