Can we get account wide ignore?

Just like most of your arguments, really.


I don’t need an argument to have my say.

the example i gave is data regarding blood elf customizations. i use to think blood elves had more customizations than anyone else, then i learned otherwise from blood elf players who took the time to develop a chart showing customizations by race and post it on the forums. as a result, i defend blood elf players asking for customizations now. this would not happen if i put active blood elf players on ignore who kept asking for customizations

As he says, he’s lucky we aren’t in a court of law.

Because nothing he says would survive a motion to dismiss or motion for summery judgement, and he’s tried enough that the judge would have declared him a vexatious litigant.


I think that is what Lilithia wants.


Who isn’t?

If you have to start comparing these arguments in a RL court setting then you’re starting to lose the plot.

The fox that keep bringing up the fact that we aren’t every time the concept of burden of proof is explained.

Problem is, Ard…you never had the plot to start with. As far as I can tell, your arguments always boil down to “But Blizz will definitely screw it up” with no tangible backing for such a claim.

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You like blood elves. You like blood elf topics.

Therefore, why stick said players on ignore?

You could temp ignore them if you wanted to sure and or taken them off but ultimately, that’s still your choice on if you want to interact with those players, regardless if it was account wide or not.

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I can find some compelling evidence of that by just browsing the Overwatch 2 reviews on steam.

You mean all those reviews people review bombed on purpose?

The concept still applies here:

Even if we take everything you say both at face value, and as correct, your argument still fails.

You mean reviews that are made by upset sweatlords who have no concept of how to actually review a game? Sure is really compelling, yeah. Mhmm. Totally.

lol you have to tell people how to review a game?

That doesn’t sound right.

Did you read the article I sent?

People went there to purposefully give bad reviews for no other reason than to give the game a bad score.

Welcome to how your arguments sound to us.

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well technically, i dont like them more than alliance races, like my void elves. and quite a few blood elves have been mad at me over the years, regarding customizations. so i learned new data by not putting them on ignore and now defend their requests.

Except there is one infallible issue.

You hate me.

I don’t hate you Ard. I know that you secretly want this feature, you’re just fighting to be devil’s advocate. It’s okay. Really. We won’t think less of you. Well I won’t anyway. I can’t speak for others.