Can we get account wide ignore?

old fights carry over

I have not encountered this type of forum pvp… least that I know of at least.

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i know a recent example - people who dont like elves, attacking blood elf players who ask for more customizations. this is an example of tribalism that crosses both factions, et. al, people who dont like elves or insist blood elves have already received too much and shouldnt get anything else. the thread can get flag bombed, the op put on ignore and etc. turns out blood elf males have fewer customizations than half the other races in the game.

But what does that have to do with account wide ignore?


if everyones ignoring each other, the game declines from lack of knowledge

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Ok and?

If I don’t want to talk / interact with someone that should be ok to do.

Like, if I don’t want to see 10 threads pop up from the same person on 5 different characters about elves I should be able to stick them on ignore.

At that point it’s spam. We get it elves are great. Keep it to one thread.

FYI regardless of topic if there’s someone creating multiple threads about the same topic alt hopping to do so I’m sticking them on ignore.

I just hate the “and then” of it…


sometimes even one thread can get flag bombed and the op ignored. i realize this isnt the account wide issue but it is addressing how people need to adapt to differences of opinion so the game doesnt decline because everyone is ignoring each other

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That’s the thing. People don’t ignore everyone. They ignore those they don’t want to talk to anymore. For whatever reason, if someone puts someone on ignore they have every right to not have that person post at them or have their posts visible. You cannot force people to interact with you. That’s all there is to it.


When someone is flagged it doesn’t put them on ignore. Someone can still see it and a mod has to go back and restore it IF there’s nothing wrong with their post.

So in other words your opinion if people don’t want to hear it, it’s clear people don’t want to hear it, with the current system is to just keep making alts to spam the forums?



people who agree with each other today, may not tomorrow and it gradually creeps up to a forum with no relevant data

That’s why the ignore feature for the forum has a timer so you can unignore someone after a certain period of time.

This is an exaggeration. And not a very good one. It does not change the fact that you cannot force people to interact with you. If they don’t want you interacting with them, they have every right to ignore you. Pushing an issue after a person has put you on ignore by hopping alts is harassment. There’s no ifs, ands, or buts in this situation. Ignore features mean the person doesn’t want to interact with you. That’s it. Simple as that.


Make a good post to start with and a person won’t have to alt hop either.

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agreed and the solution to that is to scroll by a topic you dont like. but if everyones doing that, this is how echo chambers are established. you only see stuff you currently agree with and no new data is allowed to penetrate the barrier. for example, i use to think blood elves had more customizations than everybody else, but new data came in that proved its not true.

scrolls… keeps scrolling…

Oh look at all the topics that are similar to each other because 1 person decided to alt hop and make 10 different posts about the same thing.


I only wish this didn’t also break the “return to where you were” blue box on the scroll bar.

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well thats a mod issue but if we personally start plugging our ears, nothing good can come of it in public game

Yeah I have someone on ignore in here and when they post it does that and it’s annoying.

If I don’t want to interact with someone… I should be allowed to not interact with them.

Point blank period.


sighs Okay, gonna try this again ONE more time.

If someone puts you on ignore it is not just about seeing threads they start. It is also about preventing:

That person’s posts showing up in threads you are reading.

Person sending notifications to you as they post at you. So you aren’t constantly hounded by their posts.

And them quoting you and again flooding you with notifications you don’t want.

No matter how much you think it’s bad to ignore people. You do not have a right to harass others. If I put you on ignore, you should not be able to switch alts and keep talking to me. THAT IS IT nothing else is relevant to this. It is a function to stop harassment. It is why we want account wide ignores.


Especially since the forum notifications sometimes go haywire and show up like 5 hours later.