Can we get account wide ignore?

Everyone who’s had to deal with constant sock puppets and alt swapping, and now, impersonation, here.

Inappropriate flags will get overturned, but they have every right to ignore you and all your alts if they don’t care for your opinion.


I think foxy forgot what he was arguing against.

I’m not buying it.

Only ones quantifying that type of harassment by solid numbers would be moderation.

agreed but should they on a forum supporting tribalistic factions? how can any issues be addressed that involve faction topics if you can just be silenced by large groups of forum goers,the issues are effectively ignored. this doesnt work on a faction game. it just doesnt

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Adding another post in favor of Account wide Ignore! :dracthyr_nod:


Alright sticks someone on ignore…

…and then?



Whatever helps you justify the paranoia.

They can’t actually silence you. They can just effectively ignore all your alts talking about the same thing instead of doing it individually. If you’re not using alt-hopping to avoid the original intent of ignoring, you’ve got nothing to worry about.


So why even try, right?


Has anyone else noticed that ignored posts are no longer showing the “show hidden post” thing? They’re not even showing up at all.

Looks like they’ve finally started to thanos snap my ignored players and it’s great! :+1:


Yeah anything past 10k posts it does that.

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We discussed that a few days back. It’s just something that happens to 10k+ topics automatically. It won’t be like that elsewhere.


heres an example from 5 years ago

if you, as an alliance player, tried to talk about this, you would get flagged and ignored. as a result, the imbalance got worse and worse. when i tried to discuss it with a hostile horde player, i would messages like - good, alliance are just bad players anyway, good riddance or my personal favorite - alliance is a bunch of losers, no wonder no one wants to be alliance. i tried to explain its a 2 faction game and if one faction fails, the game dies. it got so bad, they had to open cross faction play. this couldve been prevented had the topic not been beat into silence

Awwww… way to burst my bubble!


I’m not sure what this has to do w people’s right to ignore someone else or not. I believe I have the right to curate my space, as you do yours, but you should not have the power to curate my space for me.


I couldn’t possibly.

In larger threads they do not show up, i do not know why, but it’s been confirmed that lounge threads, mega threads all have this be the case.

This has no bearing on the Ignore feature being Account wide. If someone does not wish to interact with a forum user. They have every right to put them on ignore, and not have to interact with that person anymore.


It should be one and done with no “and then” if they swap toons.

…And then?


well heres an example. lets say you notice a problem and mention it on forums. the opposite faction, start flagging and ignoring you. meanwhile you learn more to support your original post that might even convince some of the people who are now ignoring you but they wont be able to see it and so the game suffers from lack of knowledge being distributed

Are we on the same forums?