Can we get account wide ignore?

And thus that proves false his claim that people will be locked out of the forums because everyone will ignore someone for a small misstep.


I’d be interested in discussing it if you actually show up with an argument that isn’t based on the same false premise that you’ve been doubling down on.

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I think Ard believes the reason so many have him on ignore is because it has been organized .

He might be a little to narcisistic to realize that it doesn’t take any organization to get a lot of people to ignore him and the mindless drive he’s been spewing in here.

In his lil mind he can’t be the problem so it must be everyone else.


damn now that I’m dropped down to TL2 I can’t post my fox meme any more

I’m doing it quite well, tyvm.

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Well done, Tarrok!


As is the assumption that any changes will work to do anything to increase the quality of forum posts.

We don’t care about the quality of posters there, Ard. We want to be able to ignore a person. Not their 7,898,732 alts. Not hard to understand. Not sure why you keep arguing that somehow IGNORING THE PERSON NOT THEIR ALTS is a bad thing.


Not every user will use an account-wide ignore for that reason alone, which will create issues either in the type of feedback or another level of toxicity where players just flick ignores on and off to taunt one another.

That’s sure a real leap in…well I was going to say logic, but that’s definitely not what that is. You have some really twisted, asinine views. But it’s okay. I know, deep down, you’re only arguing to argue it, but secretly you are all for account-wide things just like the rest of us. It’s okay to admit it, Ard. We won’t think less of you for it, I promise.


Lets be real here.

The disdain for Blizzard is at an all time high.

Getting forum changes wrong could be…disastrous and something tells me they haven’t forgotten when they tried to around Cata.

With that I can agree. If they screwed it up, the backlash would be immense. However, it would be real hard to screw up something like this. They actively would have to go out of their way to screw it up, and that’s something that Big Daddy Microsoft would get on them for.

Well we don’t know what’s going on behind closed doors so your guess is as good as mine.

The request isn’t related to improving the quality of posts. It’s about improving the quality of life for users who don’t want to be inundated with posts from people who regularly use alts to get around the current ignore limitations.

Again, nobody needs a better reason to ignore a person beyond they feel like it. There’s nothing wrong with that.

The only people who’s main gripe with blizz are the forums are probably the people who are getting popped for violations that they try to avoid with alts anyway.


Which has been conflated with emotional investments than it being a real issue.

It’s been a real issue for years.


By whose metric?

the problem is the game is tribal. when i use to post about the declining alliance raiding population, back when alliance raiders were going horde, i would get flagged and ignored by people who were either tribally horde exclusively or people who wanted to see the game fail. to be honest, i dont agree with any ignores but i understand that some people are just obnoxious.

dunno if you remember when allied races were announced, how many high elf threads there were. well they got worse because they kept getting flag bombed and closed. the more people tried to attack the request, the more requests would be created. it turned the forums into pure tribalism.

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Which still exists.

It’s only quiet now since WoW isn’t really doing anything new for now.

eek. wonder what that means