Can we get account wide ignore?

Still not exploiting, and not necessarily bad. If someone is posting stuff that whole groups want to ignore, that’s using the system as intended.


I think you have me confused with Ritahayworth, who’s currently posting on Leolang.


i always wondered this too. it seems blown out of proportion.

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Doesn’t matter.

Either condemn it or its ringed in with the rest of the supporters.

You can’t accept that your stance may be flawed.

You’ve had your say. You also had your say when you made a clown out of yourself over the Diablo 4 in game bug.

All you do is make up delusional scenarios and state them as fact.

Are you accusing Caps of being my alt? Or me being Caps alt?

Accusations… isn’t that the thing you like to have a forum temper tantrum over.


I don’t have to do much digging to know a users with 2 posts is someone’s alt.

I have been saying from the start that hopping on alts to abuse the current structure of the forums is problematic, and it’s why changes should be made.

As for whatever ‘coordinated ignoring’ is, I’m not convinced that it has any realistic chance of actually happening, vs the problems with alts which are evident in this thread.


Until I see Blizzard take a proper step in then I just regard it all as overblown hyperbole.

Yet here you are… accusing someone else of being me. Attacking that person with false accusations.

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I’ve gotten use to Ard lying about me over the past 2 years.

For one who likes to claim that others are “blinded by hatred”, he’s remarkably incapable of looking in the mirror.


Hopefully soon, I wish the people I don’t want to hear from anymore would just ignore me.

Him having a temper tantrum at someone should be a achievement in game.
Maybe a in game title. “Annoyer of Clowns”


To be fair, that’sLilithia’s while argument.

Ard’s whole argument (the bits that come close to making any sense, that is) is 'Blizzard is an evil, greedy, lazy corporation; they’re never going to spend the money or effort to change the forums so just shut up about it. Oh, and I prefer the toxicity, anyway; the more toxic, the better. ’


But he can’t stop himself from giving them money.

I actually think he’d be a happier person if his forum permissions were permanently revoked, but that’s a separate issue.

Pretty much. And he can’t deny it either.
There’s a few quotes of him saying that he enjoys causing chaos on the forums.

He also seems to enjoy having temper tantrums when he comes back from vacations.

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He still goes off about how people will be locked out of the forums if ignore is more convenient, he might have other things he falls back to when he can’t defend that point, but it’s pretty much just a loop of a couple excuses he cycles through to avoid actually proving his claims



I’ve got chores to do so you all keep making up what you like, might be back in afew hours.

I’m still going to be against account-wide ignores, no matter what story you try to write for me.

Have fun…I guess?

What does the fox say? nothing because he is effectively muzzled.

If it isn’t happening now, why would it suddenly become a problem with account-wide ignores?


u guys realise hes the only one here truly against the account wide things and yet you guys cant block him for whatever reason or just ignore him. its the strangest thing LOL. what alts he gonna jump to? no one else has really been against it but him and who cares its his opinion lol. u guys been fighting with 1 guy for over a year…

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