Can we get account wide ignore?

If people want to decide, as a group, that they don’t want to see what you have to say, that still not an inappropriate use of ignores.

If it’s causing mental distress, there’s a whole medical wing dedicated to addressing that.


I am confident that whatever Blizzard tries (if ever) will more than likely be exploited beyond its original intent.

You keep saying that, but it doesn’t change the fact that people wanting to ignore someone is not, and will never be, exploiting the system. Nobody has a right to force anyone else to listen to them.


I’m sorry to say but the handful of posters on this thread don’t represent the majority of the forums or users who could also use the system.

And you think you do?


Another statement that is irrelevant because


I’m not saying that.

What I am saying is that there is a bigger picture than this one thread.

You can’t guarantee that.

Regardless, it is a thing that every other Blizzard forum has, and should be the same here.


I disagree, based off of the disparity already brewed between players.

I can, because:


Which only validates a very narrow argument to a very narrow set of changes that aren’t even confirmed to be the guaranteed changes to the forums (if they ever do anything).

I haven’t even claimed that once. Just made up dribble.

That’s your whole argument Ard.


When are people going to realize, just don’t reply to them. They don’t have an argument to prove otherwise, so just ignore them.


That brings up another point, how damaging is sock puppeting?

How much disruption does it cause to the forum?

Can it be measured? Are these complaints just based on egos being hurt?

Well present your argument on how this could be “exploited”


Coordinated ignores isn’t a good thing.

Good thing noone but you is bringing that up.


Doesn’t prevent anyone that doesn’t have you blocked from seeing your drivel.

Don’t use words that are above your paygrade.

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I think you can’t accept that your arguments might be flawed, let alone letting me have my own say on it without hurling mounds accusations or insults my way.

Hell you’re starting to jump on alts to do so now.