Can we get account wide ignore?

I think most of the people in the thread are just reacting to the few who aren’t ignoring you quoting the ridiculous non-arguments you keep tossing out.

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Yet here I still stand.

what few? its literally the same 5 people lmao. not like anyone truly new has came to this topic im sure most regs muted this place

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Also kinda odd they post on other alts.

Seems like they’re trying to get me to support them in some kind of weird way.

A flagged post doesn’t need to be hidden in order for it to be reviewed. All it takes, is just 1 report for the report to be reviewed. You are not the one who gets to decide on what does or doesn’t violate the Code of Conduct. That is for the moderation to fully decide if a post does or doesn’t. If you think a post does, you can report the post for moderation to review, but don’t switch alts to flag the same post over and over, and don’t expect everyone to be flagging every post either.


Yes, persistently and relentlessly accomplishing exactly nothing.


I don’t see how anything said here changes Blizzards current pace.

Not sure what happened to your face, but it has nothing to do with Blizzard’s pace. Not sure where you got that from at all.

Well that’s all that really matters here as this is all just pointless debate.

As for my face, I’m flicking through some transmog should settle sometime later.

So here’s the thing. You have the power to put the other person on ignore if you don’t want to see their posts. It’s already a thing. It’s your choice not to ignore so you have to live with the choice you make.
What you’re suggesting still takes away what other people see and I disagree that that’s fair.


Pointless to you, not me.

You guys crack me up.

Give us account wide ignore pls. No one in this mega thread has been able to muster a single counter argument that makes any sense against it.


Account wide ignores, account wide flags, account wide likes, account wide trust levels, account wide total post count, support I must.


totally agree that ignore is useless if it isn’t account wide

peeps just immediately get on an alt and keep trolling or abusing


Given that there’s no way to misuse them in the first place, he doesn’t need any.


why did I in my mind read this last part in Yoda


Because you’re cool. Full disclosure, so did I.

Also Blizz, please add:

:white_check_mark: account wide ignores
:white_check_mark: account wide likes
:white_check_mark: account wide flags
:white_check_mark: account wide trust levels
:white_check_mark: account wide total post count


Because even Yoda supports account wide ignores.



Coordinated ignores still creates a psychological isolation that would have a negative impact on user experiences using these forums, as well as cementing a tribalism you’re pretending won’t happen.

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