Can we get account wide ignore?

well the doctor did write in my medical records when i came out of the coma that he assessed my emotional age as 16, so maybe thats what you’re sensing. apparently brain damage can have odd effects. but i am an old wife, mother of 3, all of whom are adults. with terrible arthritis in my hands. typing these replies is painful. but i dont want to be a hermit so i play wow and interact with people


We have it

What’s stopping the rest of the forum from flagging it down?

Not on the forums we don’t.

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its still mainly automated. if it wasnt, you wouldnt need 3 reports for one thing to get reviewed. i have reported people way more toxic than me saying “you guys spin narratives for yourself” and that gets removed for example (in this topic), but ppl sayin to go unlive themselves gets slipped. why do i need 2 others for something like that to get priority? they need to fix their filter system better.

yes, the mods are terrible and the automatic system is just as bad.

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And this is Ard destroying his whole ‘aCcOuNt-WiDe IgNoReS wIlL let PeOpLe BrIgAdE oThEr PoStErS tO iSoLaTe ThEm’ argument.

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If nothings stopping the rest of the forum from flagging down an obvious call out post then 2 way ignores work.

It’s a viable option.

If there were automated moderation (which there isn’t) the imposter’s thread from the other night would have been taken down immediately.


So you’re cool if we all just ignore you and lock you out of the thread?

You wouldn’t.

Right now we can’t, but 2-way ignores would make it possible. Do you really think you’d still be able to post, given the reputation you’ve earned on these forums???

If you didn’t keep replying I’d have no reason to keep coming back to this thread.


Come now Ard. We all know that’s not true.

And if we could all just ‘2-way ignore’ you, you’d have no ability to keep coming back to this thread.

You can’t pin me as the sole reason for lighting a fire beneath you.

That’d be pretty lazy.

I don’t think that’s true.

No no, I am responding completely to the if we didn’t reply to you, you’d not be here. We all know that’s not true. You’re secretly a supporter of the thread and what we’re actually wanting. :wink:

Well we wouldn’t know since I keep being mentioned.

The main reason we need Btags is to dispel the paranoia about sock puppeting.