Can we get account wide ignore?

Insert “Are you sure about that” gif here.


no no. what i mean is, if you ignore someone, the system automatically stops showing your posts to the person youve ignored. the person being ignored is informed they are being ignored and will not see the posts of the person who ignored them but they can opt out of that and they begin to see their posts again in a week, if so. the person who ignored them has the same option to opt out and the same week cooldown

aww thats not fair

Life’s not fair. You say you’re 70? I’m going to guess more around the age of 15 with the easiest to destroy ego on the planet who wants to control what other people see. And when presented with logic, falls back on attempting to garner pity with something I’m about 99.99% sure is absolutely a lie.

I know white dwarf stars that are less dense.


So you want to add a system to micromanage ignores instead of just ‘I don’t like x, I don’t like what they post.’ ignore

Like…I don’t get what you think this solves.


no it has nothing to do with what other people see. its only between you and the person ignoring you. and you can opt out

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Tell me…what is the ignored person? Are they…and hear me out here, other people?!

I mean, we have at least 1 person here who’s full on neutron star dense, so what’s 1 more?

Listen, if we get too many the gravity in here is gonna get wonky.


A better idea:

If a player attempts to reply to another player who is ignoring them, they get a pop-up telling them that the player they are replying to is ignoring them, and that any attempt to circumvent that ignore will be viewed a harassment and result in immediate loss of forum privileges.


well, for example, one of the people viewing the thread has me on ignore and is hearting the posts of people who insult my intelligence, call me various things like liar, stupid, rock, etc. but i dont want to put them on ignore. i know i have the option to do so, but ive made a point to never ignore or flag people. if the system did it automatically, i would be absolved of doing so myself and i could then opt out if i wanted to still see their posts

Even 1 neutron star is normally enough to throw off gravity, but we’re well past the event horizon already.

thats a good idea!

This is your own fault for not using the resources given to you.


What in the Scooby-Doo shenanigans did I just read?


Unfortunately, you strike me as someone who isn’t great at heeding warnings.


I’m going to doubt that it’s a complete and accurate retelling of events.


I feel like they were five or six words away from a ‘And I would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you meddling forum posters and your stupid dog too.’


Man, why you gotta talk about him like this?


well when i was told they viewed it as harassment, i stopped responding. not much else i can do then that.