Can we get account wide ignore?

If they have you on ignore, and you still post to them, then they won’t see it if they don’t want to. So no, you can’t get in trouble for replying, unless you are (As you have been proven to do) swapping toons to get around said ignore.


No you can’t. The forums don’t tell you if someone has you on Ignore. You have no clue who has ignored you so no clue who you should not respond to.

There is no rule on the forums about not replying to people who Ignore you. That is IN-GAME where it tells you and you have to change accounts to circumvent it.

Not a forum rule. I can reply all day to someone who has me on Ignore as long as I am not using language I should not and I am on topic.


it wasnt like that though, as i even identified myself . an example = a person isnt responding to my posts and since i dont know if theyve ignored me, didnt see the post, are just not sure how to respond or are just not interested, i alt hop and repeat the post then this is used as evidence i;'m trying to abuse the ignore feature.

There is no “abuse ignore feature” or “circumvent ignore” rule on the forums. That is for in-game only.


it can be construed as harassment

I mean if someone is not responding to you, it’s safe to assume they don’t want to talk to you whether they have ignored you or not.


Nah someone will probably quote the person

i dunno. i have missed people’s posts before or wasnt sure what to say, etc, especially in long fast moving threads

Then just reply to them again on the same character like ‘did you see my post’ and if you don’t get an answer either you’re ignored or they don’t want to reply.

thats reasonable. seems a bit harsh though cause now i gotta not alt hop for any reason if i’m in a conversation that has the potential for ignores.

for example, while posting in a thread such as this, if i wanna post in the mog thread, i have to change to the alt, then change back to the char i;m posting with (even if i identify myself) and thats if i dont forget. i’m almost 70 years old and have some memory damage from being in a coma 20 years ago, and i can get distracted pretty easy

i’m forced to focus on fewer threads cause the possibility exists i may forget what char i’m posting with in any given thread and could end up bypassing someone’s ignore. its a mess

p.s. and the only reason they would know i’m bypassing their ignore is if i identify myself or they get some way to see a list of my alts. so if i identify myself, i’m giving them the chance to ignore my alt, which seems like a plus for the person ignoring me on my main poster in the thread

Oh for fracks sake!!

I think I am actually loosing intelligence stats reading these “arguments” and “discussions”.


its true. i agree with account wide ignores. i just added the addendum that it should be 2 way with option to opt out and a cooldown of a week

My question would be how many people are ignoring you that it’s a problem. I think I’ve only been ignored two times on the forums and when I was told I didn’t interact with them anymore. If you’re swapping alts for showing off mogs or whatever just reply to the original character you posted on or don’t reply to anyone in particular and be like ‘hey it’s me again showing off this character’ or whatever.

I do know that you’ve been told by at least one person that they are ignoring you. If you can’t remember that and you are prone to switching alts just to continue a discussion with someone who’s not interacting with you, but a sticky note or something on/near your monitor so you know not to interact with them. I keep sticky notes on my desk both work and home and it’s handy.


Seriously what am I reading???

Did I stumble into a middle school drama? How in the hell did this thread requesting account wide ignores, posts counts, likes, flags, etc. etc. end up being this drivle of someone upset that they can’t harass-post someone who doesn’t want anything to do with them.

Let me make this easy for you …


It really is a fairly easy thing to do.


as soon as they told me they viewed any response from me as harassment, i stopped responding to their posts

done and done. no need for capslock. i’m old and forgetful but not completely dense

Why would you put a cool down on an ignore feature? That makes literally no sense.

the cooldown for the ignore was if they opt out . the cooldown was to give both sides a chance to cool off.

If people cool down and want to end an ignore there’s ways to do that. I do not want to have to re-add someone to ignore. I’m sure the suggestion sounds good to you. But in practice it would not go well.