Can we get account wide ignore?

Let’s be honest . It really doesn’t matter what tier won as far as looks go because as a long time hunter I can honestly say about 98% of the hunter sets look like excrement.

That’s why I always make my own transmogs .

I like Grimrail :frowning:

For real, we need whoever did the priest sets recently to come over to hunter.

But yeah, the set bonuses are my main beef.

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Nah, whoever did SHAMAN

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They need to fire (Just kidding) who ever designs the mail armor sets

This can already be done. And the ignore only works for the one doing the ignore. My ignores have zero affect on you seeing them.


It’s in the other Blizzard forums, and can you explain this comment please if your theory on how.

Do you know how an account wide ignore works or just one of those people who thinks they have a right to bypass someones ignore to harass.

FYI: Ignoreing someone is not a moderation tool, it’s a personal user tool.


Nah, something tells me they are of the same mind as the clown, so chances are you won’t get through to them.


All these mental gymnastics is silly, “it’s ok for the other Blizzard forums to have account wide ignore, but not the WoW forums”. The discussions is just “wow” in itself.

Just says a lot about our community and it’s embarrassing to.say that we need account wide ignore to trim down the toxicity, I’m not saying account wide ignore will fix all toxicity, but cut it down and make mods jobs easier.


Blizzard has already seen how account-wide ignores work on all of their other game forums. This is nothing new.


Continuing support for enforcing a single account identity for the forums.


Instead of reinventing the wheel, lets just add our BattleTag underneath our name, and makes ignores, likes, flags, total post count, trust levels, like, have a lot of things follow the BTag, while we still post from our characters


Daily support for account-wide all the things.


Oh great .
Does that mean that one single brain cell is being shared with a third person besides the fox and the undead mage ?

Poor thing is gonna pop and fizzle out soon


Thankfully we won’t see said mage in here again. They admitted to muting the thread. Either way, that poor brain cell.

Mute is a fantastic tool. Just like being able to Ignore the whole account, a person can Mute a whole thread and make it vanish from their forum view.

Good morning all and I hope something good happens for you today :slight_smile:
:coffee: :teapot: :bubble_tea: :croissant: :cupcake:


And you believed them ?

Not really, but I also haven’t seen them post here in a while. THOUGH that being said I can’t see the fox either sooooo… :dracthyr_shrug:

The power of 10k + thread and ignore


Should just be a base feature, honestly.