Can we get account wide ignore?

Also! Daily support for account-wise all the things!

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That, my good night elf, has the smell of logic too it and makes too much sense! Logic is not understood by the fox and the mage.


One does have to ask when the topic becomes less about getting quality changes for the forums and more about making me or the mage escape goats for users past grievances.

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Good evening good peeps! :heart_eyes_cat:
Please, Blizz, let us have this simple, easy account wide ignore.
Tyvm! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m going to suggest that this is willful by the mentioned parties.


Scapegoats. The term you’re looking for is scapegoats.

I made my point either way.

Stop making yourselves that then. It’s an amazing new concept called using your brain, maybe try it sometime. And no, you aren’t off my ignore list, clown. I just see that quoted text there.

Ard you and the mage both need to get it through your thick skulls that when everyone else has a problem with you the problem isn’t the other people the problem is you.

Maybe you ought to take time and contemplate what it is about you that make people not want to interact with you .

Edit: Don’t respond back because you are on ignore


That’s too much brain usage for them to do. They’d rather think everyone else is the problem.

Most narcisist tend to do that

Like my dad says it’s ok to come on strong (being sure about your opinion or percieved fact ) and it’s ok to be wrong but if you come on strong about what you say and are actually wrong admit you were wrong .

The fox and the mage to be honest like to double down on what they are wrong about and not admit they were wrong.

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This is wild to me lol

It’s wild to me that you keep saying it’s wild that we react to a quoted bit of text that everyone can see.

You guys mention you have Ard on ignore a lot but you respond to them and talk about them even when they aren’t here anyway. I appreciate the theatrics. It’s absurd lol :popcorn:

Don’t just talk about it, be about it


Well you get to join him in the hidden text yourself. The snideness of your posts are no longer worth my time nor my effort.

Ahh, that’s better.

I’d post a gif if I still had my tl3 but my break from wow a while ago was long enough that it went away I guess lol


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Actually was a response to them being quoted by some one else where they basically tried to play the victim and that everyone else is the problem and not them .

Like I said (this is all in the general sense) When everyone has a problem with you the problem isn’t the other people it is you .

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THat’s ok I’m surprised I still have mine sometimes