Can we get account wide ignore?

No, you’re just arguing that people shouldn’t have the ability to effectively ignore someone.


I’m arguing that it won’t work.

Which is, you know, a feature on literally every other forum ever in existence.


Are you?

You tend to argue anything except the ignore part of account wide ignores

Black listing, witch hunts, echo chambers, magical ability to force blizzard to see someone’s posts without anyone else being able to respond to them.

Nothing about how unified accounts would not work for ignoring all the characters a person may have on that account.


I don’t see it that simply.

Others won’t either.

Has Ard fallen back to the old “it won’t make anything better” schtick? That’s where he usually hides when pressed to explain how it will make things worse.


Pretty sure that’s where we’re at again yeah.

Simple thing:

“Ackshually, it’s not that simple”

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Good ol’ predictable, hysterical Ard. :rofl: :rofl:


It’s honestly hilarious at this point. Watching him flail about how bad it will be, then not give any reason that is, you know, based in logic xD


Constantly trying to make me the problem you’re not getting any action from Blizzard doesn’t really do anything but make you all look bad.

I mean what does taking the stuffing out of me do at this point?

You’ve done it so often that its beyond meaningless now.

I’m sure that hidden post from the clown is super enlightening, and has some form of logic to it right? Right?

Don’t you think it’s kinda weird to have someone on ignore but acknowledge their posts anyway? :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Not really. Have to post something so the notification goes away.

well, at the very least, I can’t say you don’t make me laugh.

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way egnor?

I feel so sorry for Fury Warriors come next season.

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It was also abused by people who hate the concept of M+ to subject people to grimrail depot in SL S4.

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Is that Fury or Furry Warriors :joy:
