Can we get account wide ignore?

No sure but the current version of the forums came during Legion I believe mid way .
So if the previous one was since Vanilla figure the time from Vanilla to halfway through Legion .

I’m reasonably sure there was an earlier overhaul, some time around Cataclysm.

That’s possible. I never really used the forums until Legion and mostly hunter threads at that time.

Didn’t really come to GD until the disasters that were BfA and SL happened.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they used an expansion release as the time to make changes.

Like some have mentioned . Maybe the Warbands will tie into possible changes.

yea it happens people just cant read all the time

Even if it were happening (which I’m doubtful of, most implantations of block still allow you to message the blocked person, which is dumb), There’s an easy fix which is to implement a cooldown for how quickly you can toggle a block.

I had to check to see if people were still talking about AWI or if this topic had de-evolved into a violent argument about pineapple pizza or DH needing a nerf.

Looking good.

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Alcohol water-injection?

Account Wide Ignore.

Its possible the acronym AWI has already been taken by the Amirdrassil Withdrawal Institute.

Pineapple Pizza’s are good.

DH do need to be nerfed. They haven’t sacrificed everything.


Anyways, daily support for account wide ignores, flags, likes, trust levels and total post count.

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Until then, give us back Cogshank.

I used to be on the hate train for that just cause of the zeitgeist but then someone was blunt with me about it and I took it to heart, if the person likes it’s not, its not deadly, and they eat it, why care? You respect the food by eating it.

But yeah going off this and that other pizza thread, account wide QOL stuff please

But it won’t work with classic character sock puppeteering, unless they give Classic WoW their own separate entity forums that does not share with retail forums.

Classic WoW is overdue for their own forums anyways it’s very confusing what some people are talking about when retail and classic are mixed together.

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Only because the classic people come here for some reason.

Also, daily support for account-wide ignore, trustlvl, and likes.


Of course, if they did make wow’s forums the same as the others, we would almost certainly lose our trusts levels, post numbers,etc because, as you mentioned, we can have multiple characters with multiple levels. We’d all be starting from scratch, and it would be interesting to see if people identified who they had been (eg “Hi, this is yer old Gnome mate Kneeshooter”).

I still believe its a necessary change.

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I would not be opposed to this idea. Characters can only post on the GD for the game they are located in (Era/hardcore/SoD in Classic, Wrath in Wrath, retail in retail).

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Daily support for:
:ballot_box_with_check: account wide ignores
:ballot_box_with_check: account wide likes
:ballot_box_with_check: account wide flags
:ballot_box_with_check: account wide trust levels
:ballot_box_with_check: account wide total post count
:ballot_box_with_check: account wide kittens love :purple_heart:


Also chiming in my Daily support for:

  • Account wide ignores
  • Account wide likes
  • Account wide flags
  • Account wide trust levels
  • Account wide total post count

You both forgot account wide mutes, a certain trouble maker has returned along with squad and copy cats.

This is the only Blizzard forum that is a disaster and a laughing stock of the Blizzard gaming community. This system has is flawed where people can act like a bunch of trolling sockpuppeting clowns with characters instead of being serious about having a discussion without using retail army and Classic WoW army to bypass ignores and like themselves and talk to themselves.

Let’s change this, it’s time to fall in line with the other Blizzard forums and not look like a mental institution forum.

It’s the way the community behaves with this system and I don’t blame devs for not taking any feedback from this forum, because they also see it as a circus.