Can we get account wide ignore?

I’m okay with all of that. Implementing account-wide functionality doesn’t mean they can’t also overhaul moderation, and I can’t think of a single reason why completely nuking the current iteration of the forums would be a deal-breaker.

No clue what the last twelve words mean.

So… any other topic about this particular subject will be instantly closed based on a post you made here six months ago? As usual, you make as much sense as snake mittens.

If you actually had an argument, maybe. But you don’t.

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Some people text their exes when they’ve been drinking. This is less embarrassing (well, probably not for Ard).

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Instead of throwing up more walls as suggested by adding on account-wide ignores, why not just give everyone a fresh start?

Why not both?

Well that’d essentially be the idea.

Having one without the other wouldn’t work.

We’re in agreement then.

Account-wide ignores (likes, flags, etc.), improved moderation, and a complete wipe of the forums.

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As long as all history of these forums are removed fine.

As they’ve done in the past, the old iteration of the forums would be put into a read-only state for a period of time before being purged. This gives people time to save locally anything they don’t want to lose forever.

Bear in mind, though, Ard, that a blank slate of a forum history won’t erase peoples memories. People have made impressions on one another, and those impressions are durable.

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I’ll just let Blizzard figure out who stands where.

:fox_face: :musical_note: It’s the constant drivel that never ends it goes on and on my friends


Thanks for that. It’s going to be stuck in my head forever now.

If it helps I can give you this little ear worm


i mean if they put btags account wide w/e peoples alts are gonna be outted anyways if we get it now. unless they want mass hysteria on the forums (which im in slight favor for lol) then it wont work so blizzard really has no choice here but rework these forums. i just highly doubt they’re gonna do anything tbh lol.

From the top. The forums are made by a company call Discourse. The forums were designed at the base level to function using our Battletags as the account name. EVERY other Blizzard forum does. Post count, trust level, flags, likes, ignore are all bound at the Bnet level in the original forum software and every other Blizzard forum.

WoW was specially modified to change that. They wanted us to keep the idea of a posting character and our transmogs. However, the forum software did not work out the way the old custom Blizzard software did. Instead, it treats each char as an account with fresh post count, likes, trust level, flags, etc. Way too easily abused - and is. Posters have unlimited ability to make and delete chars + hundreds of chars per license + 8 licenses per Bnet.

What most people want is WoW forums to function like every other Blizzard forum - the way the software is actually designed to work. To remove some of the custom mods they had done. Most people want to be able to select a char and mog to use as an avatar, but at the core - what is most desired is a single base account with Ignore, trust level, likes, flags, post count, post history.

Something WILL change, unless MS stops it and gets rid of the forums. I just don’t know when, or exactly what the changes will be.


As the old saying on the forums go, “Soon™”


With a giant focus on the “TM” part. Very much the Blizzard soon.


No one complains about.

I don’t see how this is necessary, because we can link characters armories and pic links.

Don’t need tl3 to link armory when we can just do this for people who don’t have tl3.

While we’re at it change General Discussion to Retail WoW General Discussion, there is an off-topic section that’s not being used.

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its been a year since all of this began and we get a “we want to but spaghetti code” and thats it. within that year we had the forums change from brown to blue and the avatars got bugged and ppl were inferred. yea…things will change when they upheave these forums, otherwise any changes u wanna see prolly just wont do here.
they cant even change colors of a forum w/ it buggin for weeks.

also how long did it take for the old forums to switch over to this?


Can guild leaders get account wide bans while we’re at it?

I always have to smile and laugh when people play off my comments