Can we get account wide ignore?

I believe you can ignore an other persons account in game but I believe it is only the toon that ignored the person. Your alts would have to go in and ignore the person individually

It is something I want in general though, where if I place someone on ignore, I want to also not see the hidden replies.


Not gonna lie…very nice not seeing Arfmcclown’s posts anymore. That’s so, so, sooooooo nice.


Seems that the drive here is no one is allowed to be against account wide ignores.

That just doesn’t seem right to me.

So here I stand against it.

Plus if any other topic about it is made it’d be instantly closed so you’re stuck with me.

“You guys”, heh.

Ard is an interesting question. Have you bothered to look at what he’s posted, or are you that desperate to defend him?

Would be nice if there was anyone doing that that wasn’t just making stuff up or talking about completely unrelated topics instead.


Again, this is why I am glad I can’t see the clown’s posts anymore. Not even “View 1 hidden message.” That is the best thing that has happened to this thread, if you ask me.


Don’t think some of this thread will count for much, either in one direction or another. Guessing that a full identity overhaul via software like most folks here advocate will require a substantial forum overhaul, which will likely mean a content wipe, just like previous years.

Will depend further if microsoft authorizes it. Hard to say whether they will, or if they’ll just demand we use an already existing version used by other acquired studios. IE: cancel discourses contract, go with what one of their other studios uses.

Even if they do, still reads as a forum wipe, like what we saw in previous expansions and versions. May not make specific people easily recognizable after the fact, but… may take their future.

Well, old threads are pretty much outdated anyways, in terms of information, and some threads will transition over if the forums did get another update, like they have done before.

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Might transfer over in the case of specific names being remembered, or mistakes being made by specific individuals.

But it’s likely to be a significant reset.

This is just a public forum.

Not an isolated committee of policy makers.

Yes. And most of the public here has seen that 99% of what you write is nonsense you’ve pulled out of your backside and you just keep acting like you’re some truthspeaker and not a tin foil hatted sideshow.


I’d contest that most pro account wide ignore supporters don’t make up most of the public traffic on here.

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Someone doesn’t have to be in favor or have an opinion to see that you keep repeating the same tired make believe story and then just “well that’s just your opinion” when people point out how it’s nonsense, or has nothing to do with the ignore system.


They can also see how much of that is unnecessarily taking the stuffing out of me.


Public traffic here, heh, you have no way of calling it either way, and even worse, you have no way of justifying your stance, demands, especially existence and/or otherwise.

It’ll be the employees who call it, not people like you.

I am really curious as to whether the work they’re doing on the backend of the game for the warbands will change things up to work better with the forum system


Uhh the door swings both ways to that degree too.

They’ll be able to see how often people alt hop to mass flag or whatever and deem it as requiring a relevant change or not.

Its all in their hands.

You mean a thing that a unified forum account would cut down on for the vast majority? excepting people with multiple completely separate bnet accounts.