Can we get account wide ignore?

Ard just give it a rest already. Everyone on the forums knows your a known sockpuppet, and everyone knows you just want to continue abusing forum privileges that shouldn’t be abused.


I think its disingenuous for anyone to write a story for another over a simple disagreement.

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No, it is a fact with what I just said. And you’re making anything up to get out of any forum changes that can be used to improve the forum experiences for everyone

I mean, what, over 748 post in this thread alone from you with nothing but mostly trolling? Do you seriously think you’re fooling anyone? You have been caught out with sockpuppeting, it is time to stop.


If I want to think account-wide changes are bad then I can and will.

My mind won’t change and I honestly don’t find that the case of account-wide ignores to be genuine when most everyone who keeps posting thinks they can use me as an excuse to vent their frustration or justify changes.

It’s gotten beyond silly at this point.

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Ignoring people is not abuse. It is the right of the posters to not have to deal with the person. It does not matter if someone wants to ignore every single other poster on the forums. That is not abuse. That would be boring, but not abusive.

Ignore has zero impact on the person ignored - they don’t even know the other person Ignored them except maybe the person never answers them.

Which does nothing to the ability of another person to post. They never even know it except maybe a group of people don’t seem to respond to them. No harm done. They don’t want to listen to you they don’t have to.

Kind of a good idea really, but without account wide ignore it is so easy to jump to an alt…

This entire circular argument would end if a few people were put on Ignore by a group of people.


You can’t convince me that everyone would use an account-wide ignore without sending a barbed message to the recipient.

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Ignore sends no message when done. People already say snarky things like “Ignored” which may or may not mean anything. Singular ignore or account wide ignore does not change any of that behavior. It just reduces the times they have to figure out who the person is and Ignore them again.


Then what’s the point of having it?

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Wait, so now the fear is that by ignoring a ton of people that you can magically get a direct ear of the devs for your feed back that no one agrees with?

As opposed to reality where you just wouldn’t see all the disagreements from people you’ve ignored but everyone else can see.


Just skew it, based off of whatever metrics or data is analyzed on here.

Which is likely the more direct reason as to why Blizzard won’t change anything in a hurry, if they do at all.

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Again, with ignore ONLY preventing the person who puts people on ignore from viewing posts from people they have ignored: How is that even possible if anyone else can view those posts and respond to them?


grumbles about having to re-do his Ignore List from scratch because of a NAME CHANGE

It really does need to be account-wide.


All depends how players divide themselves, we’d have to see the changes implemented to know for sure since this is me largely guestimating as I don’t know what metrics or statistics Blizzard measure on here.

Ard, people have the right to ignore other people for whatever they seem fit, there is nothing “abusive” about it.

I don’t ignore people that simply disagree with me, I have my own views about the game and I’m willing to share it, in fact I will share one of mine.

I dont think Blizzard should not continue with RNG legendary drops as they are simply dated and dont work with the seasonal model that WoW has, it works wells in Classic era because Legendaries actually have some long lasting value to them that spans to multiple tiers where as sylvanas bow, evoker legendary and fyr’alath only last for the tier that they are currently in and gets replaced by a weapon from the tier after it, maybe if Bad luck protection was handled better then evoker legendary and fyr’alath, I would change my opinion but till then, they should stop doing it and just tie future legendaries to a long questline that you will get evetually (i.e Shadowmourne, Teracgosa’s rest, Fangs of the Father)

if people disagree with me over how I felt with the legendary acquistion of this expansion, thats fine, if they ignore me over it, I’m not going to stop and police them, neither should you and blizzard police ignores.

If they start personally attacking me over my opinion, then I will ignore and please dont conflate personal attacks with disagreements.


All of it. Words are involved and those are hard!


I will grant that there will be users like yourself that’ll use the ignore as is intended.

Though I suspect that some other users won’t, which could cause issues.

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Ard the sea lion in his natural habitat.


standard tactics for people on this forum that oppose any potentially positive change for the game or the forums.

either hysterics-level hypotheticals, or sealioning.

or a mixture of both.


I closed the door so the Sea Lion can no longer get in.


Whoah, I learned a new internet slang…

Believe it or not, I never heard this one before. You learn something new every day.