Can we get account wide ignore?

This seems to be a common refrain from you. Yes, sometimes threads go on for months, with thousands of posts. If the subject doesn’t interest you, feel free not to participate.


Sorry friend, I really think that title should go to the thread’s most dedicated supporter.

Or the time limit you put them on ignore for expaires



Popping back in to support:

Account wide ignores
Account wide likes
Account wide flags


To be clear that particular persons other account was on my ignore with a timeline of forever keeping them on ignore. Then I saw the post we were all referring to posted by them on an alt that had a slightly different name then there original. I KNEW I had them on ignore, but went to double check just in case I was loosing my mind … I wasn’t … because they had switched to one of their many sockpuppet accounts with a nearly identical name.

Which BTW makes the protests about keeping their alts unknown laughable if all their alts are derivations of the same name.


Daily-ish support for

:white_check_mark: Account wide ignores
:white_check_mark: Account wide total post count
:white_check_mark: Account wide flags
:white_check_mark: Account wide likes
:white_check_mark: Account wide trust levels

Happy Valentines day! :heart: :heartpulse: :sparkling_heart: :gift_heart: :cupid:


It’s Valentine’s Day! You forgot to add hearts for account wide accountability. :heart: :heartpulse: :sparkling_heart: :gift_heart: :cupid:


Had someone today make an alternate character on my realm to try and harass me, but my BadBoy addon blocked it; I only knew about it because he ignored my character before sending the message, so my automated message back notifying him that his message was blocked sent back to me the error message that he was ignoring me. Some people have such low self-esteem that if you even scratch their ego they explode…

Well heck, good point! Edited.


Cite your source on this made up few sentences.

A long thread doesn’t bother Blizzard, just ask the 4 posters who keep the guild permissions thread alive after a number of years now.


I’d minus the achievements part, because people can set settings in-game to only show character earned achievements. But the pets/collections, I agree. But some other sources can come from third-party websites, assuming if the person hasn’t disabled the option within the account settings, such as check-pvp for example.

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You can’t check pets, armory, achievement points or pvp check classic characters.

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Yeah, that is true, but there is still a way to link classic toons to someone from a retail account. I won’t get into the details on how to do it though, but there is some ways.

But it would be better if we went with our BTags underneath our names, so then people can’t hide on alts to troll/sockpuppet the forums. Then it will show everything as account wide on the forums.

Made up? Or are you just attempting to troll this thread like you do with every other thread with nonsense that you can’t even prove?

I mean, look at it this way, if someone was to create a thread, and listed a person who may or may not visit the forum, and I do mean listing all there toons, this call out comes out under naming and shaming, which yes, falls under harassment. But lets just say, going up to Lilithia’s post in another thread, where switching to an alt, and trying to pretend to be someone else, and someone calls them out on it, with evidence mind you, no, that doesn’t break the CoC.

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Classic characters shouldn’t even be allowed to post anywhere except on the classic forums because almost always are they trollers, sockpuppeters or harassers so they don’t tend to add anything positive to any conversation.


Want me to switch back to Ayukama, the best Night Elf Warlock on the entire forums? :purple_heart:


Oh I don’t mind either way you are good with me, I meant more the undesirables which we all have encountered at one time or another sadly.


Anyways, daily support for account wide ignores, likes, flags, trust levels and total post count. Actually, make it just add our BTag underneath our names.


Right, which is why I always say give classic WoW their own separate forum from retail, there is no reason for retail and classic to be sharing the same forums to begin with.

The issue is even if Warbands do come into play and if it does connect everyone’s characters, but it will be only for retail characters and not classic characters.

So hopefully if they do account wide ignore it’s the account itself and not just retail characters it needs to be the entire account including their classic characters.


Yes, you made those forum rules up.

There’s nothing for me to prove, I’m not the one imagining forum rules. Nice deflection though.