Can we get account wide ignore?

…but I guess we’ll see.


Well considering the in-game ignore is capped at around 60? Players, I don’t think that will be an issue. Or if it does become an issue, then wow has much bigger problems on its table.

As for the forum, I don’t think anyone actually thinks half the forum will get Thanos snapped if we get account wide ignore. There’s far too many goobers running around on this forum for that to happen.


I hear there is a cap for forums too.

There is? I did not know that. I must not have hit the cap yet. Interesting.

I only have a few people on ignore and those drop off in a few months, some one said there was a cap though, trying to find the post.

Yeah i got nothing else im surprised it took this long for people to start reporting me again

Could blizz delete every post i ever made in this thread i wonder id like to forget this business now and be forgotten, I’ve made my choice that me participating in this thread serves no further purpose, so I am going to put the thread on ignore for a while, I’ve finally had enough and cracked under the pressure,

Sorry but you won’t see Lilithia again for a while so goodbye everyone all the best

Actually I can see it going down like that.

In trying to fix the forums they ruin the casual experience lol.

Look, something that can happen already if it was going to and not really that connected to forum ignores. But it’ll totally happen guys if you inconvenience stalkers, harassers and trolls who value forcing themselves on people who are done with their noise!


But you did … You know how I know? I had you ignored and then you weren’t and I had to re-ignore you on one of your many many sock puppet accounts. So you are once again not telling the truth .

And showing once again why we need to have account wide ignores!!!


Translation: “I’m going to switch to one of my many alts and continue to harass everyone.”

We’re not stupid, Lilithia.


To be fair, the other dozens of times they’ve done this, “a while” tends to be measured in hours at best.


Oh trust me, I am very well aware that is the case. They can’t help themselves.

Some people are so unrelenting on this issue, I wonder if those people were to log into WoW right now would they be bombarded with whispers of “Wanna see my feet?” and “Aha! I found you, you cant block me!!” and “I have 17 more alts, you can’t keep this up forever! AHAHA!!” etc…

If that’s you then tell me your secret, It’s hard for me to make new friends.

WoW! I see the thread got pruned…but not 404ed. Looks like Blizzard is taking the feedback seriously.


I’m glad they are, because it is an issue ignoring one account should be a one-time thing not playing whack an alt.

I don’t expect it to happen overnight these things do take time as our CS centaur said. Hopefully account wide ignore will be implemented before or beginning War Within.


Funny enough, not that long ago I got mail from someone here on the forums. Telling me to commit self harm. So there are absolutely people out there that use the character names here on the forums to do things exactly like that.

There is a cap of in-game ignore. Plus, I don’t know if it is possible to ignore millions of people. But this thread is about the forum ignores. The forum treats the character-server as the account, so when you’re ignoring someone, you’re just ignoring the character, which doesn’t help when there is sockpuppets who use alts to get around the ignore.


I get these from time to time. I actually had some one actually put in an effort to track down my Twitter/Pre-X account, he was seriously pissed claiming I got him banned from the game. Some serious nutjobs out there.

That’s absolutely wiiiiild. But just more reason for things like account-wide ignore.

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I made the mistake of tying my twitter account to wow, I was kinda stupid back then (some will say I still am :stuck_out_tongue: ).