Can we get account wide ignore?

In that time have you ever observed your own behavior? You’re a human too, you know.


During Lil’s little delusional rant, I began to wonder… is this copy paste from a AI vomit?


You’re hardly alone in this. A lot of us are your age. Some are older.

Not sure they’d like that you keep bringing them up and airing your dirty laundry. Or if they even agree that there was any friendship, since you’ve shown you don’t get that these things need to be mutually agreed on.

This doesn’t make any sense. Are you under the impression that mods are aliens or robots? They’re human too.

For one thing, this isn’t a state or nation, it’s a forum run by a private company. And most other forums–including the others run by Blizzard–allow people to block with an account-wide ignore or the equivalent, and it doesn’t automatically lead to mob rule.

For another thing–people not wanting to engage with you doesn’t make you a downtrodden minority. It’s pretty self-absorbed and manipulative to compare yourself to actual victims of discrimination, and all because you can’t stand to simply respect the rights and boundaries of others.

If you’re really so concerned about the plight of minorities on here, then you should be supporting account-wide ignore since one of the main reasons to alt-hop is to harass said minorities (as proven by the poster now referred to as the T-virus).

And so…yet more evidence that account-wide ignore is needed.


Advanced Idiocracy ?

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Covid sucks.

Taking a break today, so…

All we want is to ignore the player not the posting toon, bring it in line with the other Blizzard forums.


Everyone on Blizzard games used to say that, in SC2 for example it was an almost daily occurrence if you were on the losing side of any match, can almost guarantee I would get someone telling me to go KYS in a message, and they would then block me after. I only ever made such comments to people that were elitist jerks that were trolling me for being bad at the game or whatever, never said such a thing to a sensitive wilting flower,

Of course I accept that the culture has changed and it’s no longer acceptable to use that kind of language like it felt ten years ago, the time I stopped using such language was when a church pastor condemned internet culture for using language like that, and calling internet bad because that’s how people used to talk to each other online.

I think we all had a history of being keyboard warriors at some point in our past but we’ve all grown up.

Meh, every human that’s ever tried to preach to me how I should/shouldn’t behave has usually turned out to be a hypocrite anyway, with a recent friend I lost they went back on their word for so many things,

Already in this thread I’ve seen the people that want this feature backflip on several words and things they’ve said,

It’s of no consequence either way though as I have no intention of continuing to post on Lilithia once this feature comes out,

but just curious, did someone say you can already btag ignore people on the forum as it is? Or is that in-game only?

That’s code for

“I apologized for nothing and you’re the bad guy for remembering how many terrible things I’ve done”


Don’t care

People are allowed to block you for whatever reason they want


Unfortunately Lilithia, people ignore/block for whatever reason they seem fit.

I forgot of how many times this has been said throughout this thread, its not your place to police on whenever people ignore/block other people.


I’ve also apparently got the new JN.1 variant, it’s not awesome :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Sucking down Luden’s cough drops right now like they’re air.


Don’t care, didn’t read

Sure hope we get account wide ignores, thanks for being a poster child for it


No, everyone in Blizzard games not always said that. I mean, have you heard of the old phrase, “2 wrongs don’t make a right?” If someone has threatened someone with something of telling someone to self harm, best thing to do is actually report it and ignore the person. Because by jumping in, and going in with those sort of messages just makes you just of much of a toxic person than the original person that originally said it.

It was never acceptable in the first place. What part of that do you not understand?


Oh we will eventually, it isn’t a matter of yes or no, it is just a matter of when.


Your mind works in weird ways. Your view on things is just so different.

Is this a copypasta?

Oh boy.

damn thats a long post.

Which is why you are now ignored. You are clearly trolling and have been from the start.
You have intentionally inserted non-related subjects in this thread in a effort to get the thread locked.


Let’s not forget the bigotry, something else she and Ard have in common.


I’m beginning to wonder if lilithia and talonel are the same person TBH.


Perhaps the fear is that a few months after Account Wide Ignore is added, so many entire accounts will be ignored due to petty arguments and getting in last word, that PUGs and LFR will become a mass of confusion as people wont be able to communicate due to so many being ignored.

You will be forced to keep joining PUGs and BGs until you find one where nobody has you on ignore and you are not ignoring them. Unless the system automatically skips those, in which case say hello to super long que times.

The solution is to be nice, and if people are not nice to you, ignore them the usual way, by not responding.