Can we get account wide ignore?

Sounds like you haven’t been reading my posts or not agreeing with them.

Doesn’t fundamentally make me this or that just for having a different opinion.

I know, I’ve told people in this thread to just don’t feed his bait, but nobody listened. And considering if you place them on ignore, they’ll just switch alts, like they’ve done in the Anti-BTag thread, so ignoring is just pointless at this rate.

Only thing that can solve all this, is account wide ignores.


I’ve read every single post of yours Ard, and all you have done is troll. Probably why you keep getting vacations from the forums.


I really don’t know that you do have a different opinion, I think you’ve just been enjoying the discourse. Any time someone asks you a direct question your response is usually not related. But hey, as long as you’re living your best life.

We want him to keep being one of the posterchildren for account-wide ignore. He and Lilithia are giving more than enough reason why it is needed.


Got to give credit to them where credit is due, both of them have kept this thread alive, which means both of them secretly do support account wide ignores. They just don’t want to show it.


I mean, what’s the goal here?

You’re not going to change my mind and Blizzard won’t move any faster to make any changes no matter what argument is reached here.

All they have done is given bumps to a thread that started in August.

August. :grimacing:

This thread could have been locked a long time ago. It’s the same conversations, and (mostly) the same people saying the same things.

This kind of circular discourse is social hour for some people, whether you like it or not, you’re all friends with Ard and Lil by participating with them. And that’s good, and that makes me happy. Everyone should have friends. It just… doesn’t have to be this way.

As Ard just said himself, no one’s mind is changing here.

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As crazy as it sounds you’re right.

Just by participating in this discussion we’ve given ourself social stimulus.


Where’s my cheque?! :moneybag:


The thing is is you don’t have an “opinion” you are just being contrarian.

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Once presented with evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that 2+2=4, you no longer get to call 2+2=5 your ‘opinion’ in any reasonable context.

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Is there any other update on that, other than one post that Blizzard/Microsoft or whoever made?

Why? You feeling nervous?


You can try to spin it any way you like but my opinion won’t change.

I’ve only got two people ignored on the forums, and they’re these two dudes. It’s done wonders for my general outlook and free time to not have to keep telling them how and why they’re wrong! It was pointless anyway because they’re not here to be educated or convinced, they’re here to throw any argument at the wall in the desperate hope that anything sticks like a cartoon character throwing a kitchen sink out of an air balloon.

But I do still find it amusing to pop by and watch people argue with “View 1 Hidden Reply” :dracthyr_hehe_animated: The pure comedy part is that during the periods when certain people found it amusing to go troll certain megathreads and earned a lengthy forum vacation, this thread all but disappeared off the main page. Ard is the most frequent poster in this thread by over 50 posts as of this moment, and Lil is number 8.

So aaaaaah…thanks for keeping the thread alive, guys? Your continued support is the best evidence that we have that the tools we have on the forums now are insufficient to help users curate their own experience on the forums.


I’ve been a bit busy with life sorry, but I’d be more than happy to devote an entire day next week some time,

What you don’t know is that I’ve been on the internet and seen it since it first came out, so have observed human behavior and here are my observations

1-People will lie and spread rumors about someone they don’t like

2-People will keep bringing up crap that happened over 5 years ago, and can’t let the past go (in fairness, I admit, I did this to a friend that recently ditched me before I put them on ignore, so it’s a flaw in all human nature)

3-“less work for mods” will result in the community policing itself, but humans can’t be trusted to run a society on their own, mob rule is dangerous, the reason we have governments and so on is so there is a legal mechanism to protect the weak and vulnerable in our societies,

Minorities will get picked on and targeted by bullies without the intervention of states, ergo, any online community shouldn’t be policing itself, there should always be humans with a strict code of conduct running the show

Anyway that’s all I got.

So you’re that old, and yet you act the way you do? Absolutely pathetic. Grow up. You’re too old for the childish garbage you pull, and the inane ramblings that flow through your fingers onto my screen.


Somethings are harder to let go than you may think, especially your admitting to messages of self harm to another person in the BTag thread, as well as you admitting to harassment and stalking in this thread.


Have you ever apologized and tried to be a better person?

As opposed to… chinchillas?