Can we get account wide ignore?

Doesn’t that basically sum his posting in general up? Convoluted and just inane?


A negative opinion about someone from an MVP is not solicited,

Sure you are not Blizzard posters, but in my opinion you should act with more professionalism,

Both conservative and progressive people have valid points, quite often the question isn’t who is right or who is wrong, sometimes both sides are right it just depends to how much degree.

Depends on the context; if that ‘certain group’ of people is up to some shady crap, then maybe, but I will say this, not to get political, but I do think we should take the opinions of military veterans into consideration but that’s another issue. I feel too often they are sent to war, and are left with nothing when they come back.

Anyway, not to sound like a hypocrite, but I actually did block/ignore someone this week, basically for ditching the friendship for a completely invalid reason, but I do plan to unblock them maybe in 6 or 8 months. Blocking/ignoring for a while is sometimes necessary while you wait for things to cool down.

Literally no one is required to be nice to you at all. MVP, CC, or blue posters. Either way any argument you have ever made is you wanting more and more attention.

And you know EXACTLY what he was talking about there.

As opposed to literally any time you post anything ever? Again, being the posterchild.


Friendly reminder, since this is the true sequal to Sosari’s masterpiece, that if your Battle Tag contains any personal information whatsoever, it is what we call a “skill issue” and you you should change you Battle Tag from whatever it is, your account passwords from Password123, and your WiFi password from your phone number.

Because those things are all on the same level and show a severe degree of tech illiteracy.


Honestly, I’m just going to put the forum trolls and sockpuppets on ignore. At this rate, they aren’t worth a reply back too.

And daily yes for account wide ignores, likes, flags, trust levels, and total post count.


Yes they do, but if you are put on ignore, that mean they don’t want to interact with you.

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Really? You do know whom I am referring to? He name is blocked. So it’s okay to be racist depending on the context?


You don’t get to invalidate someone else’s reason for not wanting to interact with you. You don’t have to like or agree with it, but you don’t get to just decide unilaterally that someone HAS to stay your friend or keep talking to you. In the event of a restraining order being served on you, pretty sure that’s what the judge will tell you too.

And…“wait for things to cool down”? THEY BROKE UP WITH YOU. There is no “cooling down”. You are living in denial.

So…yeah. We need account-wide ignores. Because some people have no respect for others’ boundaries.


They are someone that firmly believes everyone should have to deal with them all the time, whether they want to or not. That they get to decide when someone’s reasons for telling them to get bent is valid or not. There’s several psychological disorders that I could call for this. Though namely Narcissism.



(especially the last one meow!)


Perhaps not, but I still remember the time that one of the developers referred to the player base as d-bags, I admit at the time I felt it was hilarious, but it was still unprofessional.

If he meant racism he should have just outright said it, not beat around the bush.

Um no, as I have no dealings with whatever person you are talking about.

Not forcing anyone to stay my friend; if in 6 or 8 months time when I unignore, if they don’t want to reconcile or say sorry that’s on them. In fairness they actually already did say sorry, I just refused to accept the apology and blocked/ignored and gave them a piece of my mind after. But that’s irrelevant.

Here is the truth of human behavior, reality is most people are just using you to get from what they are doing now to what they will be doing next, for better or worse that’s just society, but few relationships are built on trust, respect, empathy, or altruism,

What is actually true is that society is dependent on people being dependent on other people, which means you will often be forced to work with people you don’t like to get ahead in the world, at the end of the day, we can do our best to choose our friends and loved ones carefully, but often they will have their own goals and dreams that might not align with yours, you will find yourself removed from someone’s life due to bad gossip about you getting around, even when it’s not true, it’s why I take to heart a lesson I was told a long time ago, that in the end of the day, the only one that you can ever trust will be 200% there for you is yourself,

People do NOT have a right to harass others. But they do have a right to privacy, and take steps to prevent bad gossip about themselves getting around.

Oh look. Something that could be solves with account-wide ignore. So glad you’re finally starting to come around from your inane ramblings.


FOr what to work ?

We are not asking for people to be silenced , we are just asking for the ability to silence those we as individuals don’t want to listen to on an individual person level.

We still respect your right to speak the drivel you post but like I keep saying “You don’t have a right to make or have others make those that don’t want to listen/read what you have to say do so” .The only people you have a right to have listen to you are those that choose to do so.


It’s been my experience that people who claim this are either deeply damaged by bad experiences which have understandably distorted their view of people, or are projecting and rationalizing in order to provide an excuse for their bad behavior. Or both. It’s a lot easier to be unpleasant if you can convince yourself that “everybody else is like this”.

For society to work, it’s necessary to respect others’ basic rights and boundaries. Which is not what you’re doing. You’re disrespecting others, then acting like their refusal to put up with it is the actual bad behavior.

I worked in management for many years before retiring, and I can honestly tell you that if you behaved like this in many workplaces, you would be told that YOU are the one who needs to figure out how to work with others even if you don’t like or respect them.

If you really feel people have a right to privacy, then prove it–stop violating others’ right to it. Stop using alts to get around people’s blocks/ignores/restraining orders. Stop acting like you get to do whatever you want to others, while also silencing anyone who tries to talk about it.

Otherwise, the truth is that you only care about your privacy, your rights.


Again, they are a textbook Narcissist, with at least some form of dissociative disorder or another. I’m very sure of it at this point. They don’t care at all about anyone else’s privacy whatsoever, but when theirs is threatened even slightly, or the attention is taken off of them, they fight against it with every fiber of their being. Then tells people they are in the wrong for doing the exact same thing.


Things that make me happy today…

  1. My ignore seems to be fixed!
  2. Blizzard knows we want account-wide ignore and that the current system isn’t working.
  3. Ignoring a player (not the character) is NOT a violation of their privacy in any way, no matter what sort of mental gymnastics you pretend to use!!

Glad to hear the ignore got fixed for ya! Did the relog do it?

I think so. I re-logged and rebooted, so something set things straight!

Right on! Very glad to hear it. Now…if only those ignores were account-wide. xD

Won’t do any good, they will just delete one sockpuppet and create a new one.

It’s impossible to ignore someone on these forums.