Can we get account wide ignore?

The logic fallacy there is mind boggling. But I will not be replying to you anymore. You’ve proven my point. Thank you and goodnight.



Cause people like to argue.

Of course. But that doesn’t explain why if someone does put someone else on ignore and we have account wide ignore, that the problem for that account wouldn’t be resolved.


The assumption is being made that everyone gets a clean slate.

I don’t think that’ll be the case, no matter what Blizzard does.

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Wait. What? Who gets a clean slate? I don’t remember that being part of it. I certainly don’t want a clean slate. I would like to keep the people I have on ignore, to stay on ignore. I would also like those who have ignored me to keep doing so. I have no interest in sharing in the opinions of others who are on my ignore list or who have me on ignore.


Well for it to work then everyone would have to use it.

But since people like to argue they won’t…arguments will still continue and only a small set of users will be able to mute themselves in the sense that these account wide ignores would theoretically work.

Segmenting the community on here, if Blizzard cares about the quality of feedback they get off here.

Sorry I don’t understand why this is your premise. Seems faulty to me. Why can it only work if everyone uses it? Wouldn’t it being a thing mean everyone uses it automatically if they ignore someone? And if they don’t want t ignore someone and continue arguing, that’s fine too since it’s two consensual people willing to argue. Putting someone on ignore was always meant to be a manual action. Not something done by some other system?

I’m just not clear on why the existing ignore system would be ok with its obvious faults but an actually proper account wide ignore system (which is what the current system is meanst to be but obviously fails to be), would be a problem? Isn’t account wide ignore just the same as our current ignore but without the obvious design flaws?


Simplest way to sum it all up is: it won’t work.

Just another layer to peeled off or ignored for the forum disruption to continue in earnest.

If Blizzard really cared they’d devote more resources to moderation.

Are we doing the whole horrible witch huntery of people having a working memory again?


That doesn’t make any sense. If we had true account wide ignore, then by definition, problem solved and it worked. It stops people evading ignore via alts. That’s all this thread is when it’s all boiled down. Stopping people from evading ignore for those people who use the ignore system. The ignore system is a manual voluntary system you opt in to to use. That’s how all ignore systems work elsewhere at least.

The only reason the current ignore system doesn’t work this way to begin with is because blizz had the forum modified to work with individual characters rather than on accounts.


Ah, but you see, for Ard, if properly working ignores won’t change human nature and make people not argue, there’s no point in them and we need to stick with the easily exploitable system we have now that allows people to bother anyone they want without recourse.


Off topic but I love your name. Reminds me of my first toon on Moon-Guard. Was a Tauren Shaman named Turok.

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Well that’s an odd stance for him to take. Highly illogical since the entire premise of this thread has nothing to do with attempting to change human behavior. All it’s about is putting in proper working guard rails against bad actors on the forum. Basically like literally every other forum board on the Internet. I’m not entirely clear on why people would be wanting to treat this one forum out of the entire Internet as a unique special case that gets exceptions from the common sense application of an ignore system.

I’m pretty sure if you walked up to someone on the street and asked them whether it makes sense that the people they’ve ignored online can still interact with them, they’d say that doesn’t make any sense.

All we’re asking for in this thread is a little common sense for ignore.


I think the assumption being made is that it will work.

If it does, shouldn’t have Blizzard had followed through with your idea already?

Oh I see your source of confusion. No worries. I’ll clear it up. So like I said earlier, the reason why we don’t have it yet is because blizz apparently had the forum devs alter the default programming to account for the fact that wow is based on an individual character system. So they inadvertantly limited the ignore system as a byproduct.

As to why it hasn’t been changed yet, well we have a couple possibilities:

  1. Money. Since it costs dollars to go back and fix it.
  2. Unlike literally every other company on Earth, Blizz has decided that they want a flawed ignore system with giant exploit holes in it that renders the point of ignoring someone moot.

Out of the 2 possibilities, I’m gonna lean on the more logical answer.

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Since they get no money out of it then…we can conclude its level of priority to them.

And there we have your answer as to why it hasn’t happened yet. It’s funny how it’s always the most prosaic of things that usually explain why things happen or don’t.

I’m just explaining the distraction Ard keeps dropping in here.

He ignores that people just want to ignore other people, and not just one out of the 160 characters a single battle net account gives in favor of acting like people asking for that are saying it will stop arguing on the forums or other nonsense that no one is suggesting but them.

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This is the most convoluted word salad you’ve posted in a while.