Can we get account wide ignore?

Definitely need this last one, yeah.


It does, because I wouldn’t have said anything on the alt in question that called any negative attention to myself, most of my classic alts fall beneath the radar at least

lol funny you used the same trick I do

No, in WoW it’s tied to your character and guilds you are in etc.

They are talking about your reputation here. Stop being obtuse. Your rep here is terrible, and chances are, if you just shut up for a few months, people would just forget about you in general. You are not significant enough in their lives to care for long, but here you are. Reminding people constantly of why they want to just permanently be rid of you.


You realize you aren’t going to win this argument right? Like…nothing you have said invalidates their arguments. You are painting yourself as the shining example of why they want this feature. And you just keep digging the hole deeper as if you have personal stock in a shovel company.


Elaborate on what you mean by “same trick”, please?


I feel gross right now. I have a certain person on ignore…sorry, a person’s character, I only wish we could ignore the whole person…and their posts are now showing up as though I don’t have them ignored :frowning:

I double-checked to make sure they’re still on ignore on the same character, same name and same realm, and they’re 100% on my ignore list, but their posts are showing. I’ll have to try logging out and back into the forums…hopefully this fixes itself.

I just wanted to touch on this, not because I don’t think it should be against the rules, but to clarify that on the forums the rules are a little different. Posting on a different character, in and of itself, is not considered bypassing ignore on the forums.

If they use a different character to continue a discourse with you, you’ll want to NOT reply and then put that character on ignore too.

The reason behind this is that the forum software (not written by Blizz) doesn’t advise a poster when they reply to someone who has them on ignore, that they’re being ignored (like it does in-game).

All of that said, it’s 100% one of the reasons we need account-wide ignores.


I think this is the hard part for some people.


Absolutely. I’ve also struggled with it, especially when people are being purposefully obtuse or disruptive. I really do look forward to a better system being put into place, giving us more control over what we see on the forums.


Personally I’m not interested in playing whack-a-mole on the forums.
Account wide ignores are needed.


Only reason I haven’t been ignoring is because I am just sick of them using alts to bypass the ignore. I just want the ignores to be account wide mostly, so then the ignore can be more effective.


And that’s fair. My advice on that is similar to dealing with other things that break ToS. If you see it and it breaks ToS then report it.

I don’t know that identifying someone’s at is the same as a call out thread or naming and shaming, but maybe it is.

I’m not here to gang up on Lil or anyone else in particular. We should all be subject to the same rules (and consequences of breaking those rules)

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She can’t.


Not at all.
Example: I used to read a very conservative journal and then I found out that they were frequently posting things that were not facts, were not true at all. I stopped reading them because they’ve become untrustworthy.
If you cannot depend on a person to tell you the truth because they’ve lied to you many times before it’s reasonable to stop listening to them for reliable information.


So if a small petty man, with a funny mustache and in a military uniform, argues about doing bad things to a certain group of people, I’m supposed to hear him out and give validity to his point of view?


Just to keep things alive, all I want is the ability to ignore the person not the posting character.


Agreed, best friend. Agreed.


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I wish we could have account wide ignores just so we can forget her no matter what toon she’s on


No. Because. Reasons.

Let’s just call it what it is .

They’re a narcissist


Correct. They want to be the center of attention, while claiming they "want their past to be forgotten’. Nah. You right.

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Oh damn forgot about that on . Before I had to do the name change when the guild moved servers