Can we get account wide ignore?

In your case, you’ve admitted it several times so it’s just a matter of pulling up receipts. You remember all those times you did that right?

In any other case, I don’t doubt mods can see who is doing what if things are escalated to that level.


And really if she wanted to exercise her “right to be forgotten” she wouldn’t be circumventing ignore, which is a sure way to guarantee being forgotten.


What do you mean by ‘pulling up receipts’

Who can ever forget

And caught out right away.


Call-outs shouldn’t be allowed.

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Who says this is calling out?


You can Google the phrase to be sure but it’s basically another way of saying, showing evidence. Specifically the evidence of you outright stating that you alt hop to communicate with people after they have ignored your main forum posting toon. Unless you were lying and don’t really do that. Personally I don’t see any reason to evade being ignored. Big whoop if someone ignores you, and more often than not when people claim they ignore someone they just click open and read their posts anyway. Since ignore doesn’t fully ignore a user.

I’m sure you feel that way, just like some people might feel that circumventing being ignored shouldn’t be allowed. You’re free to feel that way and you’re free to say what you want but I think you should consider just owning the consequences (when people ignore you) instead of avoiding them.


You know what is funny Lilithia, that day, when you were caught out switching to that alt, and pretending to be someone else, you say call-outs shouldn’t be allowed. And I know the true reason why. Because you want to switch alts, to pretend to be someone else, to continue on with your toxicity.

But you know the real fact: You are the problem. It is people such as yourself as to why the forums need either some sort of account wide ignore system so people can ignore your toxicity, or some sort of account identifier via using the BattleTag so you can’t even hide and pretend to be someone else.

Stuff that is actually all public, because you can disable as many options in your BNet account as you want. In the end, there is still information that you can not even hide.


There was nothing I said or did offensive on that alt that was called out

Sure, but why did you alt hop at all? The why is the reason you were called out.


Lmao I love how they keep trying to argue it with proof of why it is needed. It’s…mind boggling at this point. I see the replies and quotes and it’s hilarious they get busted every single time.


Notice the “random person here”? Noticed how you were caught out by Weidmann when he linked to the Check-PVP via a direct reply?

Because, so many people in that thread already ignored you on Lilithia, and were getting sick of going around in circles in relation to that topic. And then boom, you switch alts, and try to pretend to be someone else. I mean, you do know about the Forum Code of Conduct yes, and how there is a little topic on Harassment, yes? Ok, I’ll admit, what you did, didn’t exactly fall into that catergory, to some extent, but lets say I place you on ignore, then you switch alts to directly reply, that is where the harassment falls in. And it can land you in a whole world of trouble. And depending on the seriousness of it, it can go from anywhere from a short silence from the forums to being pernamently banned on the forums without any warnings.


Which I did not.

Because my reputation on Lilithia was damaged beyond repair, that’s why.

The offense lies in deceiving and manipulating others. And repeatedly doing it. You’re doing it right now.

Which is why the “right to be forgotten”, as in “the right to silence on past events in life that are no longer occurring”, doesn’t apply to you. Because you keep doing it.

What you’re actually agitating for is the right to attention, from everyone, no matter what. Which only strengthens our case that account-wide ignores are necessary.


Narrator voice: She did.

Morgan Freeman voice: Actions have consequences. Something Lil never learned.


No, you didn’t. But then here is another thing, because I have done this before, and I have been silenced for it too. Lets go back to the days when I was anti Alliance, and this was not that long after the forum changes. I switched alts several times to reply to an entire thread, where many people have placed me on ignore too. And I done it several times, and I was dealt with via the forum moderation, for trolling. This sort of thing can happen, and still can happen.

You’re reputation is tied to the person behind the screen. Not the character. You can switch your characters all you want, but you can not change the person behind the screen.

If you want a friendly word of advice, change your behaviour, and people will look at the better side of you. Don’t be a toxic person, because people will ignore you, and will want to avoid interacting with you at all cost.


It’s a shame they will never take that advice. It’s pretty solid, but they are far too thick to understand that.

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Well I don’t think your reputation on here can be damaged beyond repair. Those types of people are few and far between and I don’t think you’re one of them. Honestly.

I wish you could see that your “solution” to this perceived problem only works against you.

I say this as respectfully as possible, I think you annoy a lot of people and sometimes say things that are not okay but you are not the worst person to have been on these forums by a long shot. You just perpetuate the things that you think have ruined your reputation beyond repair.

I also wish you realized that reputation means very little and everyone, EVERYONE can be annoying on these forums. Myself and everyone on this thread included.

I typed all that knowing that it was mostly a waste of time but hey that’s okay.


It never hurts to try at least, I guess. Even if that trying means beating one’s head against a brick wall that’s never going to give. Either way…



:white_check_mark: Account wide ignores
:white_check_mark: Account wide flags
:white_check_mark: Account wide likes
:white_check_mark: Account wide trust levels
:white_check_mark: Account wide total post count
:white_check_mark: Account wide kitty cats