Can we get account wide ignore?

Yes please! :smiley_cat:


After it being proven that a person is a liar over and over, sure I stop listening. Much like real life.


You have to have an actual argument first. Which you don’t, haven’t, and never will. YOU. ARE. THE. PROBLEM. It isn’t harassment to ignore someone. Guess what. I actually despise you, so I have you on ignore. The only reason I know you said anything about having a “valid argument” is from quotes. Frankly from what I have seen, you have no good reputation, and from what I see others say, you are deserving of being on everyone’s ignore list. You and Ard still out here being the posterchildren of WHY WE NEED ACCOUNT WIDE IGNORE


It is a conspiracy theory, because the only person capable of trashing your reputation, is yourself. Your behaviour explains it all, especially with things you have admitted too here on the forums.

You’re argument has no validity. Things like

  • Trashing reputation
  • Invalid reasons to ignore
  • Ability to switch alts to bypass ignores

Those are not valid arguments to use against an ignore. We all know you are a toxic person Lilithia. So, give it up already.


If a statement is true or an argument has validity then it shouldn’t matter who is saying it.

Also to me there are very much invalid reasons to ditch a friendship etc. Now in fairness I admit don’t handle rejection very well, sometimes I go through the roof but that’s why i like the forum as it is i could pick a classic alt and have the right to be forgotten,

But i know your side is winning given blizzard is keeping the thread going so we will see what happens

Friendship? Who here is your friend? From what I can see you are unanimously despised by pretty much every single person in here. Save for your alts. So…you know, everyone in here. Your fear of rejection will not sway us in any way, shape, or form. And this



You can switch to as many alts as you want. You can pretend to be who ever you want to be. But, You have by no right to use alts to bypass ignores to interact with the same people whom placed you on ignore. And considering there is tools available on the internet, using Blizzard’s API, people can also easily link classic toons to your main account. Because that stuff is not private.


You’d still end up getting on people’s ignore lists even if they didn’t put 2 and 2 together to realize it was you. But yes, that’s also why account wide ignores should be a thing on the forums so you and others can’t just alt hop to talk to people who’ve ignored you.


Some reasons for ending a friendship or not wanting to interact with someone may seem shallow, unfair, etc…but you still don’t get to impose yourself unfairly on another. You can’t–shouldn’t–force yourself on others. Any kind of cordial relationship is no longer a relationship when at least one person in it doesn’t want to be in it.

This is something therapists and advice columnists often have to convey to people basically asking things like “how can I make my ex-friend/ex-lover listen to me or take me back”.

It’s something courts have to deal with when someone violates a restraining order, because the violator has a false sense of entitlement. In their mind, being able to access the other person or have their attention is more important than the other person’s boundaries. Is that the sort of person you are, the sort of person you want to be seen as?

People are allowed to set boundaries. It is immoral to continually try to violate or override them.


Right to be forgotten applies only when you voluntarily close your account on a platform.

Continuing to post and have an account is you waiving that right.


If there are people who are wishing to be forgotten (pretty sure it’s just you-know-who, but she’s on my Ignore list), here is the only way to do it with any degree of certainty:

The trouble is, she says she wants to be forgotten, but wants she really wants is the exact opposite.


Lilithia is 100% the person that has no sense of boundaries, nor the ability to know when to stop and just leave. So yeah no, you aren’t going to get through to that one, because they are that person.


You could actually argue that anyone who deliberately bypasses an ignore placed upon them is exploiting or in breach of the ToU. I see it as no different to someone getting ignored in-game only to then harass the same person on their alt since the in-game ignore doesn’t block accounts or characters if you switched to a different character.

It should be something you can get banned for just like in-game.


It is textbook ignore evading, and that is very much against the ToU and the COC. It’s mostly solved in game already, but not here on the forums, as the forums treats each character as a separate account.


The whole thing is simple get rid of character posting and only have btag posting.


Which is something they should have done from the start. Not that my name would change either way lol.


My name would change since I just picked a random low level to be my forums character.

That’s fair lol. Originally I was posting on Yukandril, but when I stumbled across this thread, I went to the character that shares my Btag name. I firmly believe in it being a thing that should have been around since the beginning.

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Even if that were the case, what is the problem with it? Technically speaking, we’re supposed to only be 1 person with 1 account, where the forums treats us like 1 person with unlimited accounts under the 1 account, where it treats the character-server as the forum account, under while requiring to log into the BNet account to be able to post from the character.


And how could you prove that on the forum?

Different situation. That’s when it’s getting personal. On the forum is not.