Can we get account wide ignore?

Probably because they are one of the toxic ones and enjoys the chaos the toxicity brings.


To be fair, you’re part of this problem. You alt hop to circumvent ignore when people don’t want to interact with you anymore or when you get too spicy and want to avoid the attention you demanded. Personally, I don’t trust that kind of behavior. But that’s just me.

What’s silly, is that you have people stuck in this circular conversation because it’s been what, months? A year? And everyone is having the same argument, has the same talking points, etc.

There’s better ways to interact with people on the forums, Lil.


There you go.

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It is very disingenuous to complain about a problem you are actively participating in causing, something I wish more certain people here would be self-aware enough to realize.


Morning support for account wide ignores, likes, flags, trust levels and total post count.


Yes x1000!!!


No thank you i stand firmly against this, the people here seem to think people unfairly trash talking someone’s reputation is a conspiracy theory but in a game of guilds its really not,

As an aside I’m not too worried about people ignoring me here specifically, i know its not the same as being rejected by a real life friend unfairly i admit when that happens i sometimes go ballistic, but as far as forums are concerned the main issue is when you are not actually saying anything wrong but people won’t listen to the merits of your argument simply because its you saying it,

Thats part of why I’m against as if an argument has validity it shouldn’t matter who is saying it

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The reputation you’ve worked very hard to earn


Daily wish for account wide ignores, likes, flags, trust levels and total post count.


Unfortunately we live in a world where people won’t listen to an argument no matter how valid just coz they don’t like someone

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Moment you make a valid argument we can test this hypothesis


Sounds like our government right now. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Attempt at derailing. Irrelevant.

Back on topic: we need account-wide ignore, like the other Blizzard forums


You don’t need a “valid argument” to be against forum changes.

People are entitled to their own opinions, even if you don’t think its the right one to have.

Are you doing friendly fire now cuz they were talking about arguments

I’m saying that burden of proof isn’t a requirement here.

In my opinion it is, so you better fervently defend my opinion about this as you do the “opinion” we shouldn’t have account wide ignores

Then we’re gana be here for a long time.

It’s already been half a year

Don’t be a hypocrite

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It’ll be longer still, as long as any disagreement is taken as a personal criticism. shrug.