Can we get account wide ignore?

The trouble is that you haven’t managed to make a point, let alone prove it. That makes your posts, quite literally, pointless.


Oh good. We’re back to the “I don’t have to prove any of my nonsensical hypothetical dreams, but you all have to take me seriously no matter how ridiculous they sound!”


I wouldn’t say we’re back there. Ard has never abandoned that position.


Yeah, but we did have a nice little break and now he’s back to his usual


Source verified by Trust Me Bro™


It was peaceful, wasn’t it? This thread had all but died, but look at us now… closing in on 9k posts.


If someone wants to be against account wide ignores they don’t need to make a point.

They just have their opinion and that’s that.

If you can’t accept that then this will keep on going and going…

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It won’t, actually, not between you and me, anyway. I’m just not going to acknowledge any more of your comments until they stop being pointless.


Will see I suppose.

Do you EVEN understand what being ignored even means? People don’t want to interact with you, why would they “Witch Hunt” your alts?

With Account wide ignores, there would be no need to “witch hunt” alts. They would be ignored.

We get it, you are an ostrich, you’d rather bury your head in the sand than deal with the problem. Apparently that’s how you deal with things…


Possibly not me specifically though it could be the case with others in situations where things turn sour and players look to hurt others experiences further by witch hunting any alts they’d make.

Plus your example only works on the basis that you theoretically use the ignore and it stops there.

Just isn’t always the case depending on the circumstances.

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The fact remains, it’s not being asked for to ‘witch hunt’ alts. It is being asked for to IGNORE THE ALTS OF PEOPLE WE DO NOT WANT TO SPEAK TO! How hard is that for your flawlessly smooth brain to comprehend? WE. DO. NOT. WANT. TO. SEE. IGNORED. PEOPLE. SPEAKING. Do I have to dumb it down further for you? I can go get the crayons if it is too hard still.


Why are people so scared of people they don’t like ignoring them?


That was a mistype, what I meant was I stopped using the old forum, I meant to say ‘it’ not ‘you’

Because this Wow community is by far the most toxic gaming community I know, where people do witch hunt and treat each other horribly,

Let’s be honest if this were Final Fantasy 14, you might get the odd troll being nasty to a new player, but you don’t deal with half the crap you do from people on wow.

Wow players just aren’t to be trusted in comparison to the communities of other games

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So, why are you against people in the community ignoring the toxicity?


Absolutely nothing you stated is against and everything for protective and QoL measures such as Btags and Account Wide ignores and such.


Seems to me the only ones that want to witch hunt are those against account wide ignores so they can alt hop and bypass other people’s ignores in order to keep harassing the other person .

If I was to put your entire account on ignore I wouldn’t see what alts were to say specifically yours .


Whoops did Lil say the silent part out loud

So what you are saying is you and others like you do not want Blizz to respect the rights of others to not have to deal people they don’t want to in here by being forced to having to deal with people by passing their ignores . You also want Blizz to ignore their rights to choose who they wish to listen to in here by limiting their ability to ignore ?

Answer me this one without your usual side stepping , throwing in irrelevant stuff that has nothing to do with the question being asked usual male bovine excrement.

(In other words I want a straight yes or no answer anything more is unacceptable)

Do you honestly think you actually have a right to be heard by those that don’t want to hear what you have to say ?


And you still have an issue with people wanting an account wide ignore?


Hey just remember he needs to say that to make his sponsors at Trustme . Bro happy