Can we get account wide ignore?

An object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.

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Well learn to say things on your alts that aren’t word for word the same thing you say on Lil .

Also if we had account wide ignores your alts wouldn’t be called out because they would all be ignored because you as a person would be ignored .


That isn’t guaranteed.

You can’t speak for everyone with the capacity or ability to witch hunt another players alts.

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Hon, if people ignore you, and you start sockpuppeting to get around that ignore, they are absolutely going to notice, and they are going to notice the irrefutable similarities between those sockpuppets, and they will absolutely be aware of your proven inability to disguise yourself across your your roster of alts.

If people don’t want to listen to you, do them the basic courtesy of not forcing yourself on them. Respect their wishes as you’d want them to respect yours, yeah?


‘want’ doesn’t = fixed, especially since none of the blues quoted work on the forums themselves and Blizzard just pays for them from a third party.

Are you back on this tired old tack? You should’ve spent your forum vacation developing some fresh new material. You’ve gotten boring in your inability to innovate, Chicken Little.


I forgot are you sure that’s not a misquote?

So um…

Who runs this joint?


I mean, you said it. I directly quoted your post, so I’m not sure how it could be a misquote.

Or is this you trying to backtrack?


The original is still there, and looked like this at the time I posted this:

That appears to be what it has looked like since it was originally posted; it hasn’t been edited or altered since then.

I’m sure it was just a Freudian slip. :roll_eyes:

I included a screenshot to preserve it incase changes get made or a delete happens

Is it really that hard to accept that some people don’t want forum changes?

If you simply let live then you wouldn’t have to go to such extremes.

I can totally accept that some people don’t want forum changes, I just don’t accept their ‘reasons’ for not wanting those forum changes. And until they can elucidate some rational and logical reasons for not wanting them, I just don’t care that they don’t want them.

That applies especially to you, Ard.


That door swings both ways on that account, which leads to the constant deadlock we have today.

At least one side has done a fair job of rationally and logically explaining their reasons.

And the other side is you. No logic, no reason, just doomsaying and holding up your cute little parasols as you wait for the sky to fall.


There isn’t any argument to be won here.

Everyone’s entitled to their own perspective no matter what can or can’t be proved.

This is just a public forum after all.

Extremely messy, especially when most of the paint when on the paint sheets more than the wall. In the end he had to race to a hardware store for a paint brush and more paint.


I never said anything about there being an argument, just that those of you who are against account-wide forum functionality can’t explain why you’re against it. Those who do want it have done a pretty decent job of logically and rationally explaining their reasons.


Awww XD

I mean people have, this just isn’t a court room where a standard of proof is needed to make a valid point.

This is just a public forum.