Can we get account wide ignore?

Oh, we know you didn’t bother. That part is 100% clear.

I did and still did not find anything of the sort. But again, it’s just smoke and mirrors to distract and derail.


Anyways, can we all stop derailing the thread and get it back on topic.

And the topic is account wide ignores with a dash of account wide flags, likes, total post count and trust levels with a slight pinch of btags.


My stance hasn’t changed. I think it’s just a case of some of the legit posters misunderstanding.

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I mean, ok. I’m just pointing out why people might not take what you have to say about the matter with perfectly good faith.

Posters who wear crazy pink outfits would also like account wide ignores. :grin:


These aren’t crazy

They are super cute.


I appreciate your feedback. I do believe it’s just misunderstanding. I’ve explained it and now I’m moving back onto the topic.

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Same… Not sure how someone can be a MVP, but so focused on arguing with everyone they don’t agree with.


You might want an extension handle anyways, to save you from having to reach your arms up over your head for an extended time. You’ll end up feeling that later.

Oh, and wear something over your perscription glasses ( if those are what you normally wear) because cleaning paint off your lenses COULD scratch them, depending on how it’s done.

Back on topic: showing support for account-wide forum ignores.


Anyways, daily support for account wide ignores, likes, flags, trust levels, total post count, and pineapple pizza


Be more likely to believe the anti account wide group if the 3 weren’t easily proven trolls lol


No MVP could bring this topic to rest.

Only Blizzard can.


why not both :slight_smile:

I’m gonna second the suggestion for an extension handle. Can get really uncomfortable holding your arms up that high, also it lets you get much more space from one position.


You all, I don’t own one! Ugh. I could start looking for one I suppose and order one. I have manged to go over half a century without needing one. I feel like it is only one ceiling in one room in one basement?

Of course, if I do this the hard way I will end up coming back and saying you were all right, and that my shoulders are sore. Heh.

If you don’t want to go out, a broom handle might work assuming the type that will unscrew from the head, I think a lot of things that size use the same size threaded end


I just might have something! Thank you!

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So, the house came with the paint pan, roller, and quite a few other things. In a closet was a wooden pole with a threaded end. No idea what it was for. Looks new. It fits the paint roller well enough to use.

I can touch the ceiling flat footed, but having the roller be about 3 ft. now means corners will be easier and I move around less. So glad I only did the drop cloth today and prep work.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure the threaded ends on extension poles and most things you would want them for are pretty standard, so you can use them on whatever

Weird… because brooms have handles that can screw off and they fit the rollers also.