Can we get account wide ignore?

irrelevant. Just shows you didn’t read the thread and ignored what we are asking for. No one ON this thread brought up emails, aside from you and some others, to derail the thread. Who care if they brought it up on the other threads.

What we are asking for is to ignore the player not the posting character, perhaps using Battle Net ID.


I did read the thread. I only ignored what sealions were asking for. I never said anyone on this thread brought it up. And it wasn’t to derail, I can’t even fathom how anyone could even remotely come to that conclusion.

Yes, I know what you’re asking for. I’ve said several times waves hands in the air that I agree and hope that happens.

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I can. False information for the purpose of distraction.

So why bring it up in the first place then. If it was from another thread irrelevent to this topic, then it should’ve been kept out of this thread in the first place.


Who cares? I don’t know why trolls are so hyperfocused on it.

You know you’re starting to push the wrong buttons. You were bringing an unrelevant topic of something by someone that was requested for in a completely topic, one of the MVP’s was asking you for a source to it, and well, we can see where this is going when you start calling people sea lions and trolls.

Sorry, but you know in the other thread when I said, I usually link the CoC to the thing I think the person is breaching, well, here it is.

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts
  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
  • Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary or permanent ban from the forums, depending upon severity

You should never live up to your guild name with such behaviour.


At least you finally admit that you’re not even on topic. That’s literally one of the definitions of trolling. Time for some flags :slight_smile:


Well, I’m gonna tap out for a while, just dropped my sub. I got a REALLY good paying gig so my time with the game will be limited. Have fun, and I hope Blizzard rolls out with the changes we are asking for!

edit: My game time ends Feb 24th, so I’ll be on GD poking around and stuff and of course on the CS forums.


I wish you the best of luck Storm.


And their other account can easily blocked too .

Lot easier then blocking each character /server per account

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Oh for sure. I know how account-wides work. I was only mentioning that people know ways around simple 1-account alt hopping is all. The fact that some people go as far as paying for additional subs for this reason astounds me.

Thanks! I wish I could name drop, but I’d get into trouble and violate a few NDAs. I’m excited, something I wanted to do for a very long time.


Because you made the point . It’s not our job to prove you right . It’s your responsibility to back up what you say .

All you are doing is going "Trust me bro "

Well we don’t trust you , we want documented facts that it was actualy said like links from threads where it was said.


Lol! You make a wild claim, then when asked to back it up you block people? Ok. That is your right to do, just realize how silly it looks when you claim some MVP was trying to get famous on the CS forums and was busted for sockpuppeting. You can’t just make statements like that and expect nobody to ask you to verify it. In the 15+ years I have been around, I have never ever heard of a CS MVP doing that, or even a Community MVP. If it happened on the CS forums we would know.

Further, there is ONE person who has been in charge of the CS/TS MVP program since the start almost 20 years ago. He would also know…and we can easily ask him.

Congrats!!! I really hope it works out well for you and is everything you hoped it would be.


It wasn’t THAT important to begin with. Just something I heard before and I was stating it as a side note. The crux of my view is that I agree that we need account-wide.

Why does the DH reming me of a person that has a character named after an actress that was big during the 40s and 50s with the initials RH.

Says they support account wide ignores but throws in things that have nothing to do with the topic but tries to use as way to make the idea of account wide ignores being a bad thing.

I never said this. I’ve made it clear that I support account-wide from the get-go. I think maybe you’re just not understanding me?

But yet you throw in things like the supposed people asking for emails to do it into the mix and that is why their shouldn’t be account wide ignores
To be fair it comes off as you talking out both sides of your mouth .

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No, I never once said anything about why there shouldn’t be account-wides. Account-wide bans have been discussed on this forum before over the course of time. I’ve agreed with it every single time. I’ve seen people make various suggestions as to how they can make that happen and what all it should include.

The email thing was one suggestion that, for some reason, gained traction. I did not agree with that. I said I absolutely would love account-wide ignore, I just wouldn’t want email addresses being exposed in the process. Whether or not it would, it was only because I’ve seen it mentioned. I’ve been away from the forums for a while, so I do not know whether or not it’s been brought up again. I didn’t bother searching. I figured since it gained traction before, it must have been a popular opinion?, so I made mention.

That’s all. It was just a side note. I support account-wides

Look, I’m just going to be honest here. You’ve basically been moving the goalposts of your argument since you started making one and then making an attempt to seem aghast at people calling you out on it. You support account-wide ignores. We get that now, but the way you’ve been phrasing your position has been like a slow crawl to admitting that. Don’t be surprised that other people look askance at your statements.