Can we get account wide ignore?

Not if it can be easily circumvented just by making a forum alt.

That’s what some of us would like to see fixed.


There are a lot of people who post on characters from Moonguard, and I have yet to get a message from any of them on this toon. Most people know not to harass others.


YouTube tutorial binge time!

1 Like

They don’t want their Lion’s Pride VIP badge revoked.


If I may offer some suggestions, having done ceilings myself…

  1. Get an extension handle for the roller. Do NOT use a ladder.
  2. Cover EVERYTHING in the area with a plastic sheet or remove it entirely.
  3. Wear clothes that you don’t mind getting covered with paint. It WILL happen.
  4. wear a clear facemask if you have one (eye protection at a minimum),and something over your hair.
  5. Don’t rush it.

Hope that helps.


In this thread has anyone other than you brought that up?


I never said specifically in this thread, not once.

Yes, and you’ve never pointed out any examples.

I know a lot of times the people against making ignores work normally love to keep adding on horrible things, like ignore being a block, or other poison pills, so not exactly a compelling argument to mention vaguely that someone somewhere had a stupid idea that no one is actually asking for.


And we have asked many times, how it won’t fix anything?

Why do I need to? I said I’ve seen it asked before, never once did I say “in this thread”. All I said is “I’m ok with it as long as…” (because I have seen it asked in the past) and trolls here dove onto it with their sealioning. I’m not taking the bait.

I don’t know why people are so hyper-focused on that one thing.

Not this thread aside from you. It’s not what we are asking for…

1 Like

Again, never once did I say “in this thread.”


Daily-ish support for

:white_check_mark: Account wide ignores
:white_check_mark: Account wide total post count
:white_check_mark: Account wide flags
:white_check_mark: Account wide likes
:white_check_mark: Account wide trust levels


I mean, why did you need to bring up something that’s actually unrelated to the topic and that no one is asking for when asking for unified account features and ignores?


And :white_check_mark: BTags.


Are you winding me up?

I said because I’ve seen it asked more than once on these forums before and for some odd reason, it got several bites.

Get off it already.

Still doesn’t have anything to do with this request.

Seriously, what part of “Forum accounts features like likes/ignores/TL etc should be per account not wow character basis” even touches on changing the forum system to use/show email addresses?


It’s like talking to a brick wall. Have a nice day.


Wow. Another “Ah, but you see if this happens, I have seen in a vision that this other unrelated thing could happen too, therefore we need to worry more about that than the actual problem that plenty of us have dealt with”


Very helpful advice.

  • Basement ceiling so I can reach it just about flat footed, and I am short. No ladder needed. The house was built in 1947, so is not designed for modern tall people.

  • I have the plastic drop cloths! It is just boxes I never unpacked, mostly books. But still, will cover.

  • I have old clothes picked out for this.

  • I have a hair cover - really repurposed disposable giant blue foot covers, but it will work as a hair cover. I do not have a face mask so my face and glasses are going to get a bit painty. Water based so can be cleaned up.

  • Time, yes, I have to take time. I also have to remember I can, and will have to, do a second coat. The old paper (or whatever) ceiling tiles soak up a ton.

I am still waiting for you to tell us, and maybe even show us, what MVP tried to sockpuppet the CS forum to get famous and was busted.

I just don’t even… what???