Can we get account wide ignore?

LOL Just wait for all the servers to be cross realm and people from the forums start harassing you in game.

And we will ignore that account too. Only so many people will purchase that many more.


Doesn’t bother me, people can all try. I’ll just ignore them anyways.

Ayup. And Btags help lots with that.

Same… But be aware there is a limit on how many players you can ignore.

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Can’t wait for those.


You use significantly less ignores if you only have to ignore a single account.


What world do you live in where hundreds of people are going to add you to annoy you?

Silvermoon. They’re all just jelly because we have the perfume.

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I live in OCE/SEA region. Some people here have attitudes that could be called an “acquired taste.” To put it softly…

That and I use it to try to prevent pugging keys with players that are special. I put them on my ignore list so if they post a key, I dont see it. Helps elevate the chance that you accidently pug a key with a player who doesnt know or bother to learn dungeon mechanics. At least if its their key and they are running the group.

Hmmm, yeah, and no. I mean, we do have a unique way of “doing things,” but we’re not Ragnaros.


One Battletag can have up to 8 WoW licenses on it. Each license can have over 100 characters on it between retail and classic. Right now each and ever single one of those hundreds of chars per Battlenet account, are treated as separate accounts.

Moving to a single Battletag back end does not 100% stop someone from changing Battlenet accounts. It does greatly reduce the “alt” hopping though. They go from hundreds per Bnet to single Bnet accounts, each of which needs a separate subscription.

From a flood to a controlled trickle, so to speak. We know all this though. The same can happen on other Bnet forums when people use alt Bnets. The scale of it though is wildly different. I am all for reducing what we can, even if it is not a 100% solution.

Perfection can be the enemy of progress, so to speak.


Never heard of that phrase before. Guess still do learn new things everyday.

I wasnt going to say the R word… LOL But it was in my head…

It’s often attributed to Voltaire, though he was quoting someone else.

Report and ignore. Ignore works account wide in the game, thankfully. If they use another Bnet account to circumvent Ignore that crosses into Ongoing Harassment. Document name-server, time, date, chat channel used, nature of the contact. Come to the website and report under Ongoing Harassment. Also NEVER reply and put the new account on Ignore as well. Blizzard has a means to deal with this…because it is unwanted behavior.

I have been green for over 10 years. I post in green, a lot, on the WoW forums and the other Blizzard forums, esp Diablo related ones. I have never been bothered in-game by anyone ever.

Very few people even try to add my Battletag to their friends list. I get to approve that though, and if I don’t know them, I don’t accept. Means they can’t talk to me without my permission.

Works great!


I tend to be a perfectionist and will get frozen in my tracks if I can’t do something perfectly. Instead of accepting a 98% solution, I fear the 2% that is not solved and just do NONE of it. Very self defeating.

I have to remember that it is ok to solve most of the problem/task, even if a little is left. Beats doing nothing about it. Currently trying to apply that concept to a basement ceiling I have left for 15 years since I bought the house. I did not know how to paint the substrate, and had never used a roller, or painted overhead. I fear I am going to mess it up and it won’t be perfect. It is a stupid 70 year old paper tile ceiling in a basement with old water stains and nonsense. It is trash at this point. I have to tell myself that nothing I do can make it much worse, so paint away. I have done the edges with a paint brush. Today, if I can make myself, I need to learn to use a paint roller.

It is a very frustrating mental block on my end with everything. Stuff just waits because I can’t figure a perfect solution. ARGH.


Are you attempting to use memes because your distraction point failed? Nobody is arguing that people can still buy games, and pay for subs, on other Battlenet accounts. We know that. We are well aware of the Bnet accounts and accept that it is going to happen.

It is also a fact that going from hundreds of posting chars, to single Bnet accounts, greatly reduces the issue.

Facts. Not cope. Not anything else.

Not sure why you are trying to dredge up points that have been sorted out for years.

You seem to want to just troll. :woman_shrugging:

Thankfully I am right - that in game we have the tools to deal with whole accounts, not just chars. Forums will eventually, if the forums still exist.


Actually no, but its clear I have had a different experience with the game over the past 20 years than you have. A difference in opinion isnt trolling.

BTW, since you seem to get very upset when people have a difference in opinion or experience than you. I have used one of those tools and put you on IGNORE…

That would be fine if you wanted to discuss that in a straightforward way. You posed a hypothetical, and were given the current tools to resolve in-game contact that is unwanted. If those tools are not sufficient, then by all means say so and say why. Say what you think would be better.

What is not a “difference of opinion”, is posting copium memes instead of actually dealing with the topic. That is where it crosses to trolling. You seem to want to belittle or distract from points, instead of discuss them.

Did you have an actual point to make about the in-game tools for blocking accounts or? Because “copium” is not a discussion point.