Can we get account wide ignore?

Not only should ignores be account wide, everyting on this site should be account wide. If I have TL3 on Boredumb, I should have TL3 on all toons. The notifications, number of posts, etc, should be the same across all of my characters.

Now I do think we should still be able to post under an individual character, but it shouldn’t affect our permissions, stats or ignore lists.


Had you been paying any attention at all to this thread, you’d have seen the links to and quotes of members of Blizzard forum staff saying exactly that - that they recognize the shortcomings of the current iteration of the forums and want to fix them.


Exactly. One Ignore list, one trust level for the account, one set of flags, likes, or other options for the ACCOUNT, not per char.

In other words, it should work like every other Blizzard forum.

I do want to be able to select a char avatar and display name, but the back end needs to be all at the account level.

Anyway. I need to get up, make coffee, feed cats, etc.

Good morning all and comfy beverage wishes! :coffee: :teapot: :bubble_tea: :pie:


Pretty sure you do. when was the last time you checked? I have TL3 on characters I’ve never logged into here on the forums.

Boredumb here. Nope. Won’t let me. Check my pets against Boredumb if you doubt who I am.

Like mentioned before . You can mouse over a players image and it will show character /server at the bottom of your screen .

But wow is a different kettle of fish to every other Blizzard game. In those games, the centralization doesn’t matter.

In WoW, things like your in-game reputation and whatnot matters, people will tear down and attack each GM’s from rival guilds to get more people into their own guilds, it’s just how things work here.


Must be another symptom of the beta forum access bug, then. All my toons have TL3, regardless of their level of forum activity (or lack thereof).

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What an utterly nonsensical argument. You’d think I’d be used to it, though, considering the source.


Yep, this is true. Also, many of the GMs on server groups have their own Discords that they use to ruin the reputation of other players. Spreading lies and BS. Seen the crap first hand as I was once part of those servers.

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Exactly. I am glad that I am not alone in this perception, I felt alone against this forum crowd for a long time, but while it sucks, it’s good to see another player has had a similar observation.

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I’m just looking at it from an objective perspective. I stand by having an account-wide ignore. But as soon as someone says “As long as it doesn’t include…” trolls dive on that and begin sealioning, to which I ignore.

I agree with the premise of the thread, expressed this in the past as well.

Blizzard has no control over people using Discord. If it bleeds into WoW, then the player being defamed can report and ignore.

That has ZERO to do with this thread though.


Btags would make one keenly aware of their reputation and how they present themselves, since they can’t alt hop to troll/be a jerk.


They can when they own multiple physical accounts, which isn’t rare. Blizzard has stated that there is nothing wrong with having multiple accounts as long as you do not use it for things like flagging/reporting people. So you wouldn’t know.

You do know guilds are not private, nor is your character.

Your character and your guild are free for everyone to view through the armory.

In otherwords, your argument is invalid.


What does that have to do with what’s being discussed?

Not sure if that’s a serious question? You said their btag would prevent them from being a jerk and trolling because they can’t alt hop. They can just use their other account to do that.

Alt hopping and account hopping are two different things.

Clearly, that’s the point I’m making to you. So for those who account hop, their btag showing means nothing. They’ll do what they’re going to do on another account.