Can we get account wide ignore?

That’s Khrog/Doobly.


Definitely not a sock puppet post. /facepalm


Gee,how could you tell?

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Typing mannerisms.


Yeah im getting a little sick of being called out for all the wrong things I said or did four/five years ago or longer

Name any famous person in the world and I could pick something they did wrong they said or did at some point in their lifetime.

So there.

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Have you tried reflecting, apologizing, and improving?

Until then, account wide ignore please.


I think I realized it from another thread entirely, cause I ignored that puppet weeks ago. Not interacting with this one because we know what happens when you talk to that particular troll.

And you made sure to justify every single one of them

So don’t think you’re even slightly remorseful over your actions, cuz you’re the exact same person as you were back then

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Actions have consequences. Think before you do.



More like 4 0r 5 months ago a year max

The past year? Can’t think of anything I’ve said or done in that short period of time that’s THAT bad really.

If people understood the context of what I went through, they would understand why I made the choices I did. The only thing that people have condemned me for in the past year are the following three things;

1-Using someone to get what I wanted before planning to ditch them (in truth, they actually walked away before I had to make that choice to kick them out of my life, and if they hadn’t judged me for things like my weight etc at the time, I wouldn’t have been planning on that).

2-Blocking a friend that wanted to use me for money, and secretly hoping they would try to get around block (eventually they blocked me in return, which I admit, was actually a relief, but they actually did unblock me in the end-signalling they might actually care, but I suspect they still see me as an easy target to get $$ even after I bit their head off)

3-Most importantly, what I’ve been condemned for is equating people that want to ignore and silence and others on this public forum with censorship.

I still stand by this position.

Some people say that ‘oh it’s not censorship as you can still post people can just ignore you!’ but I am not sure how I feel about a situation where so many people can just block and ignore others simply because they don’t like them for whatever reason,

I get it though, it’s long been Blizzard’s policy that in guilds for example, the GM can kick people for ANY reason they like, but is this really the best way to treat each other?

I guess in my mind, anything that’s a serious offence like homophobia, racism, and certainly real life threats are all things will result in a suspension or even forum ban anyway.

I do admit though, on one other public forum (not this one) I actually had some person condemn and make snarky and rude comments towards me every time I would post something, and I must say, it made me quite uncomfortable to the point where I eventually stopped posting altogether on that forum, and even felt unable to comment on other people’s posts, it didn’t help that the mods of that forum were so extreme left-wing in their views, that some of them supported censoring people like me, which is sad, as I’m quite left-wing in a lot of views myself, I support things like looking after the poor people in society, problem is they undermine the cause when they censor others, anyway I learned on that particular forum that I have to keep a much lower profile and keep my mouth shut and just focus on good friends. Kind of sad it came to that, especially when some of my closest friends are starting threads that I don’t feel comfortable participating in, in fear of someone I don’t like commenting who might have a go at me.

Of course, in theory, I could simply start a new account there no trouble, but at least there I got too many friends that like me to want to bother with that trouble.

Which reminds me, I do have a question btw, if account wide ignore came to pass here on WoW…as I am no longer as attached to wow or my achievements here, in theory, if I was to complete ditch my current wow account and start an entirely new one, would account wide ignore apply to the new account? Or would it be possible to make a new account and keep it completely separate from my original Blizzard account?

Just curious.

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Here comes the excuses to justify the behavior…

DARVO tactic.

Sorry… given your track record on the forums… I don’t believe you.

It isn’t censorship. No one is taking your voice away… people are wanting to ignore what you have to say. You brought this upon yourself with your countless lies, stories, and statements against people or groups of people. You take zero accountability for your actions and still try and dupe people who don’t know your track history into believing you are a victim. You aren’t. You have openly admitted to circumventing blocks to continue engaging with people who have chosen to not want to deal with you anymore.

People don’t need to provide you with a reason as to why they no longer want to deal with you. It doesn’t matter if you like their reason or not. You have zero say in the matter. Period.

People can search thru this thread for the screenshots and links to the things you have said. Don’t try and play the hero, your history speaks for itself.

Irrelevant to these forums and more of your nonsense waxing on and on about irrelevant subject matter.


Well that’s problematic when you don’t believe the truth.

That is the one thing I actually regret from my past, the part where I made statements against groups of people, as I accept that not every person in a group is the same.

I still think it’s okay to generalize to some degree though.

Yes, but only in situations like a public forum where it’s not personal, my moral code is that it’s only the minute that it becomes personal that it’s a problem. But people are confusing creatures,

You see this one person I went out with a few years back was all keen on me, then they completely turned on me and got nasty telling me they wanted nothing to do with me, but then a year later they went out with me again…people are confusing creatures. Sometimes you can approach people, and it’s just not the right time…other times, if you get them in the right place at the right time they will give you a chance.

Um no, I can say I don’t like it or agree with it, tbh I used to use the block/ignore feature way too much when the internet first came out.

Now please don’t misinterpret me, I do think there are some cases where blocking someone is appropriate like if someone is harassing you, causing you constant pain and upset, or just won’t leave you alone, in that case sure hit that ignore button all you like,

But I think in some cases ignoring people is a power-trip, all about ego, surely there’s a better way to handle issues with people in your cyber-life than just putting them on ignore and expecting that to be it, I just don’t agree with how people block someone rather than talk things out, there’s a difference between ignoring someone that’s an outright abuser and being too cowardly to talk things out with someone,

It’s just the most brutal thing about the internet, the friends I know in real life just can’t put me on an ignore button they have to listen what I am saying,

Think of this way…say the person you are ignoring is someone you know of in your home city, your chances of running into them are pretty high…so what will you say to them if you do, will you just ignore them? What if they said hi to you, would you just not respond?

The problem with ignoring people online is that it takes away the need to explain your actions, see with me with the person that I put on my ignore/block list last year, I know you don’t believe me, but I told them exactly why I did it, albeit, not soon enough, I told them why I did it just after Christmas (which is why they blocked me after then unblocked me in the new year-I still haven’t said hi to them yet)

Another point to make is that when people live their life online or live their lives on wow, well hey good luck to Blizzard if this game is still popular enough for people to do that, but the reality is in the online world there is a huge amount of room for misunderstandings, people think they know everything that’s going on in my life, but in reality very few people understand the full context,

How then can one know if they ignored someone they kicked someone out of their life when there wasn’t really any need? I know people have misinterpreted me many times.

But may I point out another fact, the reality is, I’ve only spoken on Lilithia for weeks…and even people that boast about having me on ignore, always seem to unignore me at some point, well that’s because deep down inside, people are curious as to what someone is up to, the human brain is just wired that way…ignoring someone you don’t like might give you some power at first, and you’ll be fine for a while, but eventually human nature will kick in and people will want to unignore to find out what I’m thinking and up to. I do take some comfort in this flaw of human nature.

Curiosity is bound to overcome people at some stage, so here is the thing, unless you’re really strong, ignoring someone you don’t like isn’t the big full stop.

And by the way, for someone that you put on ignore, even if you block them out completely and are strong enough, people may seek out people in other ways, in person, through mutual friends in-game, I don’t put people on and ignore/block button lightly, because I am not willing to be the reason I cause someone’s self-worth and self-confidence to plummet,

If we are really at the point in our lives where social media dictates our relationships, what happened to a grown up conversation where we just dealt with our problems with people? Also, I don’t think anyone is as brave as they pretend to be online honestly, I know I wouldn’t say half the crap I do on here in real life, that’s also my concern with account wide ignore as I don’t want people to find out my other alts, I want to be able to express my opinions even the controversial ones without risking reputation etc, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing as I’d like everyone to be able to do that safely.

It’s sad that we live in a society where even celebrities are getting in trouble for things they said/did ten years ago.

Is just ignoring someone really the ultimate solution?

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So, bigotry is alright, acceptable even, if you’re going through a rough patch?


4 - Racist bigotry directed at a particular ethnic group in your area.

People make decisions on how to move forward in their life based on their past experiences.

I never did this, I did once use a word that you took that way, but I was actually stereotyping every single person from the area at the time, not one particular race. But that’s irrelevant, that has nothing to do with now.

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That was years ago, so has no relevance to now or this discussion.

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It’s absolutely relevant. I don’t believe for one second that you’ve changed. It speaks to the content of your character, or rather the lack thereof.


Alright Tuefelgott, let’s do this…

Okay so I made a mistake several years ago of badmouthing people from that poorer suburb I lived and just escaped from. I regret to say, I don’t feel much has changed about the area, I did give friendship from a person from that area a go long after I left, but that person was the only ‘friend’ I’ve had in person that has broken the promise of friendship and not going to lie, I still resent them for it.

But I will however say this much…that I do believe deep down its the poverty they are all in at least partly causes some of their bad atrocious behavior…so I argue these days for steps to reduce the inequality. So I have grown, and I have changed, even if I wouldn’t associate with any of those people again for now, I will take another generation and hard work for things in that area to change for the better probably.

So I have changed very much, but if other people don’t believe that, that’s for them to decide. So yes I admit I still have resentment still to those people and their horrible attitudes, but I do accept that its poverty that’s partially to blame and made some of them the monsters they are. I do hope governments address some of those issues in future. .

This of course has nothing to do with account wide ignore.

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Let’s not do this. I’ve already given you far more attention than you deserve. As of this moment, you no longer exist in my world.

In the future, make an attempt to spell my name correctly. Copy and paste if need be.