Can we get account wide ignore?

You will just unignore me later, like I said before,

Seems to be human nature to get curious, even about the people we don’t like. I will take comfort in that fact…

See you around

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IDK why you haven’t just put her on ignore. That goober was on my ignore list long before this thread was even created for a reason I don’t even remember. But clearly I was right to do so as it’s obvious to all their attitude hasn’t changed. Just ignore and move on. Eventually they might realise they’re talking to the void and either go away permanently or…switch to an alt…thus proving everyone’s point :rofl:


Oh, I have (again). In the past, I’ve peeked and unignored, but my curiosity is beyond satisfied. In my view, she has absolutely no redeeming qualities, and likely never will.

I wish her luck with that. Someone shared with me a substantial list of her alts, and until account-wide everything is implemented, I’d love for her to help me expand it.

So let’s get back to more pleasant things.


Well I’m glad that’s sorted then.

Guessing this thread will die now if everyone ignoring me?


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you are definitely a book best left closed


Which results in no one having to deal with them, which in their mind is the same as taking their voice away. Because no one wants to listen to them. Because of how they act.

They haven’t quite grokked that last bit yet.


Also I’m reminded of how at work a few years back I had a jug with “I charge $5 per minute to listen to your conspiracy theories” I would shake at customers when they would start some ranting nonsense.

Quite effective.


And there you go folks… straight out of the horse’s…

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Because watching someone tap dance on accountability becomes quite comical when the audible click happens because they finally oopsied and stepped on the trigger.


ngl im kinda surprised this thing is still running and hasn’t been 404d ages ago bc the amount of spitballing is pretty bad lol.

Because the powers that be know I am right


You have yet to understand what the word truth means. You weave a constant stream of lies and misinformation on the forums and then… when caught… throw a toddler level temper tantrum because people are sick of your… stuff.

So which is it… did you do the actions you have denied doing or did you just admit you did the actions (due to evidence of said actions being slapped up for everyone to see)?

Your moral code is questionable to some and disgusting to most. You want zero accountability for your actions. Your apologies are hollow when weighed against your actions you continue to perform.

So you, by your own admission of action, have censored people (censored being defined by your blatantly ignorant understanding of what censorship is and isn’t).

Straight up victim blaming and dismissal of reality. Do you even know what the word shame is?

You just defined why cyberstalking laws and harassment laws exist. They even exist in your country.

We know…

Meaning: Lil wants to continue to say racist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. things with zero accountability and zero ways for people to stop it.

Keep popping off.


The hilarious thing is that if they didn’t go off on their regular multiparagraph screeds about how nothing in their life is their fault when literally no one even asked, people wouldn’t even know about all of the things that Lil complains that people keep bringing up.

Treat the forums like your personal blog, and the consequence is that people get exactly as much of a picture of what kind of person you are as you keep giving them.


I mean, there is always the mute option if you don’t want to see it.


This is a thread about being able to have an account wide ignore. Let’s not turn it into a thread about attacking another poster. That’s how it gets shut down.

Account wide ignore is a good thing in my opinion.

GO LIONS! :dracthyr_yay_animated: :dracthyr_nod: :football:


i don’t mind it just surprised that it’s still up. no need for hostility… haven’t even posted here in months lol.

The ignore would be on your old account, so folks would have to ignore your new one all over again.

I imagine there are a few dedicated trolls who might spring for a whole new account to get around it, but I suspect that might be an exception since it costs real $$.

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Thank you for that i appreciate that info so if worse comes to worse if you are willing to pay you can still make a fresh start

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Hahaha. With Blizzard?

Thats like expecting nothing to go wrong with the monkeys paw.

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But at the end of the day no matter what happens, you’re still you