Can we get account wide ignore?

Maybe it’s just me, but your posting style has changed lately. It reads like you plug some talking points into a chat bot and post the results. If I’m wrong, I apologize. Carry on :grin:


Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a wonderful day today.

I have been an avid forum user for many years now and I think the forums are fantastic.

I really enjoy coming to the forums to share wow experiences with other players within the community.

I use the forums a lot and I actually have never had any issues with the current ignore system.

The forums currently work perfectly as they currently are and don’t need to be changed.

Thank you for reading my post, have a good one :slight_smile:

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This is the entire point of the proposal! We want to be able to ignore the people that do that without having to do so on every character of theirs!


For you perhaps, but fact is, I am not a racist, a homophobe or a sexist and people want to ignore me

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you seem to keep bringing up those words in what i assume to be in hope to shut this down


Well within their right considering your attitude and justification of your toxic behavior

But well, you don’t like to reap what you sow and think you deserve to endlessly stalk people with alt jumping


That’s not stalking, unless it’s in-game.

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See id ask how you consider following someone around on the forums and alt hoping to keep contacting them isn’t stalking

But you’d just post another 18 pages from your manifesto that has nothing to do with my question


Uh… what the heck? If you’re following someone into threads repeatedly after they blocked you on one character, but alt-hopping so they continue to see you… that’s exactly what it is???


I mean… except for your documented and well-observed history of racism and homophobia. I can’t speak to the sexism, but it honestly wouldn’t surprise me, given your views on friendship and humanity at large.


May have made one or two comments in the past that I regretted quite a few years back but that doesn’t mean I think the same way now.

Though keep in mind that in a world where so many things are seen as a possible micro-aggression, some people are going to see sexism and whatnot, where there is none.

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Exactly, trying to bait people to shut the thread down.


Get off Facebook and Twitter and realize reality isn’t actually like that


The thread does not matter, in the long term. The decisions have already been made, most likely. It just takes FOREVER to get anything pushed through, then to have the contractor for the forums do the work.

Something will change and allow for account wide ignore, at the least. Hopefully more than that. I just don’t know when or exactly how they will do it. Just that it will eventually happen if I believe!

I really really do think they will do it eventually and clean this place up, if only to reduce mod work.


All my blood, sweat, and more blood to make this thread

My heart is broken


If I give you a marshmallow peep will it be better? They make peeps for every occasion now.


Chocolate always makes things better


I do too but its definitely not a priority :frowning_face:


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We are not asking for people to be silenced . Only Blizz can do that .

We are asking Blizz to allow us the ability to ignore those people we no longer want to deal with like you.

Doesn’t matter if everyone else was to put you on ignore as long as Blizz allows you to speak you are not silenced .

What about the people that come off as sociopaths and narcissist (which you come off as)?

It’s not that people disagree with you that we want to ignore you , it is because people find you to be extremely toxic. You would not see this because like most people with narcisstic tendencies you believe in your head that you are never the problem and it is always the other person/s that is .


Excerpt they don’t .

The ignore system is broke because people can swap toons to bypass the ignores of other people.
Having each player character as it’s own individual account allows people to mass like their own posts which skews how popular a post may be as well as in the case of voting threads like the new season 4 tier the outcome of the vote.

Having post counts reset when toons are change even for legitimate reasons cause people to often ignore the person speaking because they think the person might not know on which they speak .

All we want is something to tie the ignore, post count , likes and flags together as well as a text box that will allow us to give details on why we have flagged a person .

All of these will actually make the job of the mods easier since not only do they do the forums for WoW but they also do the forums for all of Blizzards other games and those games have all but the flag text box option in the form of forum id being player battletags.