Can we get account wide ignore?

Hoping by summer when the new expansion comes out we get an forum overhaul and have account wide ignore.

Staying on topic that is, go to Customer Support forum for technical issues.


Maybe if you run it on a haswell part from almost 10 years ago.

On the topic of ignore, can the DISMISS button on the forums ACTUALLY work? That would be freaking amazing. I have dismissed this post so many times now, with Bliz claiming that it means this post will never show up in my unread ever again. Yet it comes back to haunt me all of the time. I feel lied to.

I think you’re probably just doing it wrong. Just click that little Tracking button at the bottom of the page (just above the ‘Suggested Topics’ section), and select ‘Muted’ the option all the way at the bottom.

Before you do though, describe where exactly it is that you see a ‘DISMISS’ button.

Account wide is beneficial to all. Get it done. :+1:

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Funny thing is, I haven’t switched alts from Lilithia for weeks, and everyone that has this alt on ignore keeps coming saying they unignored me or just took a quick peak at what I was saying to block me again.

The reality is if nobody responded to this alt, I wouldn’t keep posting on it :woman_shrugging:

For me, I haven’t always used this forum to deliberately cause a ruckus, the odd bit of fun on Sundays here and there, and a few moments where I said things I regretted, but for the most part, one of the good things about being anonymous is that it helps give you insight into what the larger community is thinking and where society is currently at…

See, if I see here from an anonymous character that it’s going to anger a lot of people if I say x, y and z, then I will know not to say it among my real friends or any guilds I’m a part of etc.

When you get as old as I’m getting, you start to see how society and culture changes…I remember my first guild I got kicked out from saying the f word, but 10 years later everyone was swearing casually etc.

Is account wide ignore the only answer? I just think a lot of people in society at the moment are struggling with cost of living pressures and whatnot, and because of that, there’s always going to be someone online being silly.

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yes. yes it is :grinning:


Hate to break it to you, even younger people are seeing it now, for better or worse…

Also hate to break it to you, but a lot of this change is from conflict between older and younger people. And I’m not sure where you fall in the line chart, but I know with my being middle-aged and keeping an ear to the ground, I tend to listen to those younger - they’re the ones getting the world now.


Account wide ignore, flags, likes everything please!


Okay there’s a lot to address here, but the mods can make a decision if what I am saying is relevant or not, but I will try and tie everything I say here to the relevance of the thread.

First if you must know, I am in my late 30s, so I am firmly stuck in the middle of everything, caught between two generations.

Anyway, this is actually part of my concern with all this, I think part of the problem with the world today is a failure to listen and understand others.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my fair share of old fogies that used to talk about how things were ‘back in my day’, totally unwilling to accept how much the world has changed, and the challenges of young people today,

Thing is they seem to have put millennials and generation Z into the same group with their attitudes, but my experience of Gen Z is slightly different from my fellow millennial.

Generally speaking, Generation Z despite having grown up with technology their whole life, they actually seem better at accepting delayed gratification, Gen Z also seems a lot more tolerant of LGBTQ+ rights, are more tolerant of diversity, which makes them a good crown in my book. Funny thing is this is said to be part of ‘indoctrination’ in colleges, and how people should get back to the basics of maths and reading and science, but I don’t need every young person to be a rocket scientist, there world needs more tolerance and acceptance of others in my opinion.

Of course, these to me are all good things, but in my opinion, there is one flaw; see, this actually leads to a paradox; tolerant people will accept intolerance, but the intolerant won’t accept the tolerant people. That could lead Gen Z and the generation after down a dark path, because eventually the intolerant people will take over society, and create a society of intolerance. I am seeing trends of this already, I mean it does seem to me that anyone with any conservative opinion at all for example, is demonized and whatnot.

Now before people go off at me for being too political I will get to the point shortly, but before I get to my point, I would just like to say in my opinion, that even if we don’t like it, to maintain a healthy society of tolerance, the tolerant people need to be intolerant of intolerance.

You might be asking at this point of how this broader social view relates to a forum for a video game, well thing is, wow at its peak represented folk from all wakes of life, one of the best things about it, if we start to become intolerant of each other, people are going to leave, this is already happening with many threads popping up about how new players are kicked from dungeons quickly and whatnot. In the long term, that will hurt subscribe numbers.

As far as the forum is concerned, let me tell you a story about what happened on another place online this is reddit about two years ago, it was a situation that went too far, it not only let people block/ignore others, but it actually prevented the user from replying to any of the blockers comments. It got so bad, that users were unable to even talk in entire threads that the blocker had commented in.

Essentially, users were becoming like moderators, policing their own online community. To give an example of this, say that one person had a subjective opinion say “Captain Picard rocks” and the other person would say “Nah, Kirk is better”, the guy that likes Picard then blocks the other guy, and then what you have is a situation where the guy that likes Kirk can’t even respond with their own counter argument,

The point is, that I feel we risk going down that path where by just trying to shut up people we don’t like, we risk stifling genuine debate, that’s my main concern.

People still talk about what I did 5 or 10 years ago, and I am like, geez, SO much has happened since then, here is the thing, name any popular politician or celebrity, no matter which side of politics they are on, and I could find something to condemn them or criticize them for,

I just think some people overuse the ignore/block feature on online forums, we don’t have to like everyone, but I think the biggest problem in the world today is a failure of people to listen to and respect other people’s point of view, even if they disagree with them,

Is simply ignoring everyone that we don’t like the only way??

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There is no over use of block and ignore features because that would only be true if a person’s right to free speech protection and being heard extended beyond the actual protection of not being silenced by their government and having said government listen to said grievances.

It has been said to you many a time in here by myself and others that "You " as well as everyone else in here does not have a right to be heard by every other person but by those that choose to .


I disagree with that,

Ignoring someone because they are being racist, homophobic or whatever is valid,

Ignoring someone because they disagree with your opinion, is not valid.

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That is your opinion. It is not, however, mine and pretty much everyone else’s opinion. And guess what your opinion is just that … An opinion and doesn’t make it fact.

As I have chosen to ignore you and Ard and several others for my mental health and sanity, it is infact a valid reason… For me. And since my ignoring of said peoples affects only me, then it matters not if you think it’s valid.


Both are valid, actually ignoring anyone for any reason is valid, if someone just sees your post and decides that they want to ignore you it’s valid.


9000 posts, heh. Despite the back and forth… An important concept must be mentioned.

This thread requires more moonkin dancing.


/moonkin dance.

Hope everyone’s new year is going well.

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With the recent and blatant skullduggery with the voting for S4 tier sets it’s become even more blatant the forums need Battletags account wide rather than each character being treated as a separate person.

Battletags, account wide likes and voting counts, account wide ignore. Please Blizz.


That’s not for you to decide.


If they actually had an opinion they’d migh be worth engaging in .

But what they toss out is a party size word salad that has no real substance in regards to the topic in hand and is generally something to attempt to derail the topic.


Well I just feel that as a society, this has been happening all throughout the western world, that we seem to be losing the ability to disagree with someone with wanting them silenced, or in more extreme cases sacked for their job or even abused or at least ruined in some way, and not going to lie, I am very concerned about that,

Now I accept that these are bigger adult issues than on a simple video game forum, perhaps though I am living in the past, I see the players of wow as a representation of the wider society we live in, where people from all wakes of life used to come, wow was THE mmo.

If it’s going to get to the stage where people just want to silence/ignore everyone they don’t like and disagree with, I just hope that it’s because wow’s player base has shrunk somewhat to the point where Blizzard can afford to cater to more of a minority. I will always have a soft spot for a lot of Blizzard games though, especially the classics.

I just don’t like the idea that people just want to ignore people for ‘any reason at all!’

Geez, I remember earlier on this thread someone compared me to darth vader or whoever, but here is the thing, in my opinion if people feel listened to they are much less likely to go all sith lord on you aren’t they, that’s not saying you have to agree with them, especially not any of their bad behavior, but I think people tend to go crazy when they feel they aren’t being heard.

If all you guys wanted was to simply ignore the racists, the homophobes, the sexists and so on, I’d have no issue with the proposal, but it does seem to me we live in an era where everyone just wants to ignore/censor people they disagree with.

I don’t like that.

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Man you’re really keen on being able to control what other people do